

excerption of a book - 1

(2005-03-13 22:22:25) 下一個

setting out -- part 1

I hate travelling and explorers. Yet here I am proposing to tell the story of my expeditions. But how long it has taken me to make up my mind to do so! It is now fifteen years since I left Brazil for the last time and all during this period I have often planned to undertake the present work, but on each occation a sort of shame and repugnance prevented me making a start. Why,  I asked myself, should I give a deteailed account of so many trivial circumstances and insignificant happenings? Adventure has no place in the anthropologist's profession; it is merely one of those unavoidable drawbacks, which detract from his effective work through the incidental loss of weeks or months; there are hours of inaction when the informant is not available; periods of hunger, exhaustion, sickness perhaps; and always the thousand and one dreary tasks which eat waway the days to no purpose and reduce dangerous living in the heart of the virgin forest to an imitation of military service... The fact that so much effort and expenditures has to be wasted on reaching the object of our studies bestows no value on that aspect of our profession, and should be seen rather as its negative side. The truths which we seek so far afield only become valid when they have been separated from this dross. We may endure six months of travelling, hardships and sickening boredom for the purpose of recording (in a few days, or even a few hours) a hitherto unknown myth, a new marriage rule or a complete list of clan names, but is it worth my while taking up my pen to perpetuate such a useless shred of memory or pitiable recollection as the following: 'At five thirty in the morning, we entered the harbour at Recife amid the shrill cries of the gulls, while a fleet of boats laden with tropical fruits clustered round the hull'?

Nevertheless, this kind of narravtive enjoys a vogue which I, for my part, find incomprehensible. Amazonia, tibet and Africa fill the bookshops in the form of travelogues, accounts of expeditions and collections of photographs, in all of which the desire to impress is so dominant as to make it impossible for the reader to assess the value of the evidence put before him. Instead of having his critical faculties stimulated, he asks for more such pabulum and swallows prodigious quantities of it. Nowadays, being an explorer is a trade, which consists not, as one might think, in discovering hitherto unknown facts after years of study, but in covering a great many miles and assembling lantern-slides or motion pictures, preferably in colour, so as to fill a hall with an audience for several days in succession. For this audience, platitudes and commonplaces seemto have been miraculously transmuted into revelations by the sole fact that their author, instead of doing his plagiarizing at home, has supposedly sanctified it by covering some twenty thousand miles.

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小無 回複 悄悄話 數據J你修人類學啊?好,好。
小貝過河 回複 悄悄話 謝謝數據。作者的確有眼光!很久以前我上本科時努力去看文學理論的文章--總是半
懂不懂得。現在看了LEVI STRAUSS,更有感觸些。
笑語輕聲 回複 悄悄話 覺得作者很有點憤世嫉俗,很有點魯迅的味道. 不同的是多了點科學家的傲慢. 我瞎說一下,請多多包涵.:-)

數據清潔工 回複 悄悄話 小貝好啊。這是從《憂鬱的熱帶》那本書裏摘出來的,作者是了Levi Strauss。書的原名是Tristes tropiques。Strauss是結構主義的創始人之一。

小貝過河 回複 悄悄話 這是誰寫的。寫的很有見地!