
each day that we were together...was so happy

(2008-02-11 08:47:42) 下一個

港生: 希望你不會忘記,我們在一起的每一天,我們是那樣的開心,我是那樣的愛你。
韻文: 希望你記得,我們分開的的日子,你不在我身邊我才是最愛你。
Raphael: I hope you wont forget..each day that we were together...was so happy, and I loved you so very much.

Vivien: Then I hope you'll remember the days when we're apart. I love you most when you're not by my side. (more)
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得了吧 回複 悄悄話 哈,“玻璃之城”。。曾經有一陣子“飯”過黎明,嗬嗬。。