
Obama\'s Plan

(2008-02-13 14:31:17) 下一個
Something for WS to chew on..., Maybe is factored into recent market up movement...

His plan is big on multi-tasking. A NationalInfrastructure Reinvestment Bank, which will get $60 billion seed moneyto rebuild American roads and bridges and so on, will employ thoseconstruction workers idled by the housing slump, while at the same timestrengthening homeland security. And the money for this? Well, thatwould be all that money we're now spending on the war in Iraq. Insteadof rebuilding Iraq, we'll rebuild our own country.

A $150 billion investmentin energy, already part of the Obama policy portfolio, will inject newfunds into ailing GM plants, Obama told his audience, as U.S. automakers develop more energy efficient hybrid vehicles. To deal with theexport of jobs, Obama plans to pass the Patriot Employer Act --legislation he has been working on in the Senate -- which will end taxbreaks for creating jobs overseas and will give those incentives tocompanies creating jobs in the U.S.

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