

(2012-11-27 06:40:13) 下一個


                           What Does It Mean To Have a 400 Yuan Educational Grant?

    Sending out educational grants is not as simple as to putting money to parents’ hands. We travelled through every school in the mountains and held parent conferences, discussing how to put good use of these tiny grants. We had to talk in local dialects, which would then be translated into the language of SuSu. We listened to the locals declare that the money will not be taken for alcohol and cigarettes, and will be used to buy clothing and bedding for the children---- it is very important for students who live in school to have those so that the dorms wouldn’t smell bad. Lower grade students helped their parents write down their names clearly, parents pressed down their finger prints firmly. I can’t say too much in my heart, but at least, I see some hopes.

    We drove to schools that are located deep in the mountains. From Li Jiang to Shi Gu Zhen, to Central Li Ming district, we followed the windy roads of Lao Kun Hill and the cliff paths of Mei Le River, and arrived to remote villages that don’t have a paved road. Bumping up and down in our jeep seats, we reached hill side schools and greeted by students in their dusted outfits, they curiously ran out and politely said “Hello Teachers” to us.

    In the cold mountain mist, we kept warm by the fire near the teacher’s dining hall, waited patiently for parents who had to walk down four, five hours to get to the school’s parent conference. It is such a big event here to have grants distributed, plus the parent conference---big enough to spend a day and a half for that.

     The head of Li Ming District Central School accompanied us and discussed the materials for parent conference, along with many other issues in the village. For instances, how to register a student’s residence? Some parents gave birth to children before reaching their legal marriage age, and resulted many unregistered births. But to get into the system for school admission, kids have to be locally registered and matched to their actual age. Many parents don’t even want to care about those details. Another issue is sanitation. Students only have one set of clothes and one set of bedding, they washed clothes every week at home, but the bedding did not get washed for the entire school semester. And that is a cause for contagious skin disease in summer times. Then is the never-ending issue of alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking. Many families are not keen on money management, they do not understand the grants can be easily spent but hard to get. We thought about how to proceed, and how to communicate with parents using the simplest yet mutually participating methods.  

       資助可以有很多方式,可以直接將錢打到學校帳上轉發,或者直接發放物資,還是帶著教育意義的親自對話?一點點的心思和一點點的費力,也許像是播下一些小小的種子,會在某些地方微微發芽。There are many ways to distribute funds. We could do a direct fund transfer to the schools’ accounts, in-kind distributions, or this sort of face-to-face educational dialogs. A little bit of thoughtfulness and a little bit of efforts, similar to spreading seeds, perhaps, they may grow somewhere, someday.

助學金背後- 「助學」的意義
Behind the Grants: the Meaning of “Assisted Learning”

    The twenty years practice of assisted learning has transferred Zigen from its original goal of helping rural girls to go to school. The original commitments helped change the rural notion that young girls had no rights to go to school. And now, when boys and girls can all go to school, Zigen’s commitments have turned more towards assisting poor and disadvantaged families (including orphans, single-parent children) to continue learning. Along with the rapid changes that come to the society and economy in the past decades, the concept of poor and disadvantage keeps changing, and the reasons that kids quit school also become varied and complex. Project managers have to rethink about the definitions of poor and disadvantage, to study the reasons of quitting school, and to really think about the projects themselves: how much help this little money can bring to a family? How much change or educational value this small fund can bring to a student?  

       When we sent out grants in Li Ming Middle School, we talked to the assisted students one by one. We found out that among the 90 students that received our financial aids, seven had quitted school. In the entire student body of more than 400 students, 50 of them have quitted, and the dropout rate for students living in the mountain areas is even higher. The reasons for quitting school are more complex than primary schools, not simply because parents can’t afford the living or studying fees, or parents have to work elsewhere, or lack of cares by single parents. Besides the problems of middle school management and teaching quality, more of an issue is the economical unbalances between a rural and an urban society, and the growing commercial temptations to young students. Many students are tempted by the job opportunities in the cities, so they quit school and start working in a nearby city. Some students even travel far to work in Shenzhen or Guangzhou (there are factories that come to villages for direct hiring). The concept of being poor or disadvantage has a total different meaning now, it could mean a certain match to city living standards. Many rural parents encourage their children to work outside, and to take care of the family’s financial troubles first.

Compared to the discussions on school education, family education, and the conversations with parents went a lot more difficult.

         家長們陸陸續續地走進學校開會,有的父母不在家是爺爺奶奶來了,有的拿著酒瓶,有的手上的煙未曾停過,黝黑的皮膚縫隙隱約有股山裏的濃濃土味以及汗酸。他們渴望自己的孩子走向城市,明顯的外出務工要比讀書會更快速得到實際效益,如果學生在學校裏的學習讓他們看不見未來,或者對於學習成就失去信心的話。 Parents streamed into school for conference, in cases when parents were absent, a grandma or grandpa came. Some carried along a wine bottle, some were smoking nonstop. You can almost sense some sort of mountain smells from their tanned skins. They were eager for their kids to work and live in a city, and expressed clearly that working outside of home can make a better living than studying here at home. If they can’t see a future for their kids in school, or see that their grades are failing, they said, it is better off that the kids can start working right way.

Educational Grants as an Introduction of Dialogs --- Parents, School, and Village Developments

     We tried to start the conversation by explaining the relationship between being poor and having an education:“We started smoking and drinking to get rid of bad moods. We don’t have much income, so many headaches in life and not much to hope for. The drinking and smoking help the moods.”“In my house, we can hardly afford buying alcohol and cigarettes.”“I have smoked for many years and it is impossible for me to kick this habit now. This is the life style of our generation, and this is how we live. We did not have a chance to get a good education, and did not have the opportunity to get rich, we are just farmers. Now the young kids have plenty of opportunities and can get a good education. Teachers must do a good job teaching them, so that kids can form good habits. Things that we parents can’t do, teachers please try more efforts, so that this generation can change.”

       There is a great sense of fate in these conversations, similar to those farmers who spend their entire life working around some small corn fields. I recalled my own father and his generation, who also share a very strong sense of fate. They don’t believe any kind of luxury life had anything to do with them. Bringing up their kids to a successful and prosperous life is the only thing to make their lives complete. Growing up, the picture of my father crouching in front of a bike and fixing things has never changed. Bikes changed, but his posture never did for twenty some long years. Sometimes I would think: how to understand the marks of fate that had casted into them over the hard years? I simply can’t change their firm believes and value system by using my generation’s dreams and hopes.

        除此之外,用很簡單的算帳方式和家長們談家庭經濟管理的重要性,除了開源也要節流。每有一點對話空間,教育就在裏頭慢慢滲透了,如涓涓細流,或許有那麽點滴的改變。我們談及了這個大山裏組建中草藥種植合作社項目的可能性,如何與當前幾家已在種植的農戶組織合作,就剛起步的或有興趣的農戶給予培訓支持,透過合作產銷,避免中間商收購,將利潤真正回歸到農民身上。也談及了如何以天然方式在山坡邊進行土雞養殖相關的培訓,養出健康的土雞,而非以不良的飼養方式低價競爭。 一旦有機會啟動,將是一條漫長的學習道路,教育與發展平行如春天吐露的花瓣在農村小道上緩慢而如實地鋪開。 
        Besides that, we talked about how to use a simple way to calculate family budget and the importance of family finance, and the need to save money while making money. Whenever there is a chance for conversation, there is some sort of education getting in. Like small streams, may be a few drops of change may come along. We also talked about the possibility of a cooperation venture of herbal planting in the mountains, and how we have talked to a few farming families on that already, and will provide training and supports to the interested and new growers. Through a direct cooperation model, we can avoid brokers so that profits can return to the growers. We also talked about the training program to raise organic cage free chicken in the hill sides, and strategies of keeping fair prices on healthy chicken instead of getting into a price war by reducing feeding costs. This will be a long learning road. Whenever there is an opportunity to get started, growth and education will slowly explode in parallel in those country roads, like the flowers of a spring.


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