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美國人出麵了 釣魚島死結迎刃而解

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美國人出麵了 釣魚島死結迎刃而解









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綠柳如煙 回複 悄悄話 釣魚島爭端今日登上紐約時報頭條
SENKAKU/DIAOYU ISLANDS — The voyage to these remote islands at the center of one of Asia’s most dangerous territorial disputes is a bone-jarring seven-hour boat ride from one of Japan’s southernmost ports, a long enough journey that the fishermen who brave the often stormy seas regularly sail in pairs for safety. The trip from the mainland of China, which also lays claim to the islands, is even longer.

  尖閣/釣魚 列島 - 位於亞洲領土爭端最為激烈的水域之一。從日本最南端港口到達這裏需要七小時的艱難航行,此地通常被附近漁民用以躲避風暴。從同樣對此地宣稱主權的中國大陸到達此地,甚至需要更長的時間。

 It remains unclear how far the longstanding territorial conflict over the islands, known as the Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, could escalate now that it has flared again. China has in recent days tamped down protests that were seeming to slip beyond its control, and the two countries share deep economic ties that make the stakes of further escalation clear. But popular opinion in China has been unwilling to let the issue die, and a small group of nationalists in Japan has so far seemed unwilling to let go of an issue that helps define it.

  Japan has also shown itself to be uncharacteristically strong-willed in pushing back at China’s vocal claims for the island chain long under Japanese control. While Japan’s pacifist tendencies since World War II have led it to generally avoid confrontations, China’s rising territorial ambitions appear to have changed the calculations of the country’s leaders, at least somewhat. In unusually strong remarks last month, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said Japan had an “unwavering resolve to defend its territorial lands and waters.” Japanese leaders also increased Coast Guard patrols around the islands as China has dispatched more of its own boats.


  On Thursday, at least a half-dozen armed Japanese Coast Guard cutters were visible patrolling waters around the islands, some of them sailing around Uotsuri.

  Somewhere over the horizon, 16 Chinese surveillance ships — the largest number yet to gather nearby — had assembled to challenge Japan’s claim to the islands, according to the Japanese Coast Guard. In recent weeks, the two countries’ ships have been playing an almost cold war-style game of cat-and-mouse, with Chinese boats sometimes darting past the maritime boundary, pursued by the coast guard.

  While Japan’s Coast Guard is committed to intercepting the Chinese patrols, it is also vigilant about preventing an episode that might further provoke China. Japanese nationals are barred from landing, for fear they might be photographed waving Japanese flags, as happened last month when nationalists swam from boats to Uotsuri without permission. (Their landing followed an earlier landing by Chinese nationalists.)


  日本海上保安廳聲稱,在同一海域,目前為止隨大規模的十六艘中國海監船,集結並挑戰日本對該列島宣稱主權。在僅僅兩周時間內,這兩個國家的船隻似乎在玩冷戰時期的“貓鼠遊戲” ——中國船隻有時勇闖過界,日本海岸警衛船舶則在後麵追趕。

  The coast guard’s anxiety was apparent on Thursday, when a fishing boat from the island of Ishigaki, south of Okinawa, carrying three members of a small Japanese ultraconservative group and two journalists prepared to leave for a privately chartered trip to the islands. Even before the boat left, the passengers were summoned to a coast guard office to figure out their intentions.

  “We have your promise, man-to-man, that you won’t go ashore, right?” one official asked, with a stern gaze, adding a warning about sharks circling the islands.

  “Everyone’s really on edge because of the Chinese ships,” said the boat’s captain, Zensho Naka, 54, who said fishing charters to the islands were once common, and raised much less fuss.



  “每個人都因為中國船隻而緊張,” 這艘船的船長說道,Zensho Naka,54歲,聲稱以前想獲得在列島附近海域的漁業許可十分容易。
  Those tensions seemed to reach a new peak last week, as the coast guard braced for the arrival of 1,000 Chinese fishing boats that the Chinese news media had reported were on their way to stage a mass protest. The armada never materialized and appeared to be the creation of news media that hyped a routine departure of fishing boats.

  The current tensions began earlier this year when the nationalist governor of Tokyo suddenly announced he wanted to buy three of the islands from their owner, a Japanese citizen living in suburban Tokyo, because he felt the government was not doing enough to defend the chain. That prompted the central government to buy them instead, which officials said was to prevent them from falling into radical hands.


  But the decision to purchase was seen in China as a Japanese effort to firm up its control, setting off a week of violent anti-Japanese street demonstrations in dozens of Chinese cities. That is a lot of commotion over islands that until recently seemed a forgotten backwater. Even before World War II, there were few economic activities on the islands. A small factory on Uotsuri made dried bonito shavings, a favorite Japanese food, and hunters gathered albatross feathers for European fashion boutiques.

  At that time, the factory owner had bought four of the five islands from the government, which showed little interest in them. After the factory closed in 1940, the factory owner’s son held onto the islands until the 1970s and early 1980s, when, aging and childless, he sold them off one by one to a family friend, Kunioki Kurihara, who recently sold three of them to the government. His family still owns one that it rents to the national government. That island, and the fifth one already owned by the national government, were both used for bombing practice by the United States military until 1978.


  Interest in the islands rose in the late 1960s, when scientists began saying the nearby seafloor could hold oil deposits.

  The current rise in tensions was evident during the recent trip to the islands, when a coast guard ship trailed the ship carrying the journalists and nationalists, even after extracting promises that no one would make a break for the islands. As the ships were about three miles from Uotsuri, the coast guard demanded the charter go no further.

  The three nationalists said they planned to make their point about the need to defend the islands against China by posting a short documentary of their trip on YouTube. “We must draw the line with the Chinese here,” said the leader, Hissho Yanai, 50, who heads the 80-member Association to Protect Our Children’s Future from Chinese Intimidation based in Saitama, just north of Tokyo. “If we let them have the Senkaku Islands, they’ll come after all of Okinawa next.”



  船上的三名民族主義人士說他們計劃通過把登島過程拍成一個紀錄短片並上傳至Youtube網站,以此對抗中國。“我們必須給中國再這裏劃一條線,” 50歲的Hissho Yanai說道。這名八十名會員的協會會長說他們要保護日本兒童在將來不受中國恐嚇,這個協會位於東京北部的琦玉縣。“如果我們讓他們得到尖閣列島,他們會想要整個衝繩。”
  After the coast guard stopped the ship, the three men stepped on deck to perform a ceremony. With the island looming in front of them, one man held the Japanese flag while Mr. Yanai read a warning against invading the islands addressed to the man expected to be China’s next leader, Xi Jinping. The third member filmed the performance.

  Mr. Yanai finished with a deep bow toward the island. The man holding the flag then faced the watching coast guard crew, clipped his heels together and crisply saluted in the style of Japan’s prewar military.

  “Thank you very much!” yelled the man, Hideto Sato, 51. “Please continue the tough job of protecting the Senkaku Islands!”



  “非常感謝!” 50歲的Hideto Sato高聲道。“請繼續完成保護尖閣列島的艱難任務!  
閑聊一二 回複 悄悄話 能不能別這麽逗啊?
浪寬 回複 悄悄話 回複zWiserman的評論:
浪寬 回複 悄悄話 回複綠柳如煙的評論:
zWiserman 回複 悄悄話 回複綠柳如煙的評論:

大打! 美國不會派兵參戰,但是它會幫日本忙,...戰果,必須是: 日本全滅, 中美都元氣大傷, ...

綠柳如煙 回複 悄悄話 回複zWiserman的評論:

zWiserman 回複 悄悄話 現在,中國可能打不過美日同盟軍,


奇怪! 中國的新聞都不報道呢????????
綠柳如煙 回複 悄悄話 http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/worldlook/1/576209.shtml
綠柳如煙 回複 悄悄話 美國警告:中日一旦開戰,全世界都承擔不起
文章來源: 星島日報




珠峰哨卡 回複 悄悄話 這是你的一廂情願吧?中國被欺淩了幾個世紀,脊梁骨都挺不起來了。
浪寬 回複 悄悄話 回複Gagaga的評論:
浪寬 回複 悄悄話 回複goldeye的評論:
浪寬 回複 悄悄話 回複info2008的評論:
浪寬 回複 悄悄話 回複info2008的評論:
想想再說 回複 悄悄話 幫別人,把自己賣了,

mimin 回複 悄悄話 你們在家呆傻了吧,滿腦子漿糊還自我感覺良好,其實是被門挾過吧。
zWiserman 回複 悄悄話 引: "...將來時機成熟了,中日之間不會再為這個釣魚島吵架了,美國再將此島歸還中國或日本。這樣雙方都沒有吃虧..."

lanxf126 回複 悄悄話 太沒譜了.
過路人路過 回複 悄悄話 腦袋進水了,還不知道美國才使幕後黑手呀?
HappyNow?! 回複 悄悄話 "Are you going to be smart?"

Redcheetah 回複 悄悄話 not correct!
Mister986 回複 悄悄話 太幼稚可笑了
姿勢越多越繁動 回複 悄悄話 瞎扯淡
Gagaga 回複 悄悄話 美國真是一個擅長搞戰略的國家,這腳就算插進來了。。
goldeye 回複 悄悄話 你真是白天說夢話,如果不是天真,就是胡思亂想:你叫美國把阿拉是家還給俄國?
info2008 回複 悄悄話 美國人從心裏不是解決問題,而是挑起事端,從中漁利。
info2008 回複 悄悄話 美國人會這麽傻嗎?躲在背後多好,可進可退,好處卻一點不少撈。原來拿台灣要挾大陸,現在用釣魚島釣上來2條大魚。