

(2008-01-13 18:49:48) 下一個

1.  Which decision-making method was assigned to your group?


The minority control method was assigned to our group.


2.  How accruable did you think the estimate was?   Explain your answer.


I consider that the estimate of both persons has a limitation.  It was not 100 percent matches the fact, but it’s useful.  I think the accuracy is greater than about 80 percent.  One of them estimated that there are 1500 beans in the jar.  Another’s answer was 2000.  Both of them agree with the final answer 1800 beans.


First, I have to say that this method is not scientifically.  For sure, they could not get the exact number of beans.  I also don’t know how many beans in that jar.  I think everyone may agree with this my point. If you want to know real numbers, you need to count them one by one.  If the number is very big, you can use several ways to get your small sample from a huge source that have been admitted by statistics.   


Why did I say they got almost right answer?  The reasons are:

1)   I trust their abilities.  This is from my past experience.

2)      I have a little pressure to be an observer.

3)      They are as delegates of me that is my expectation.


3.  How satisfied were you with the process used to arrive at the estimate?  Please explain your answer.


I was not satisfied with this method to estimate the number of the beans.


This method does not utilize the resources of many group members.  It does not establish widespread commitments to implement the decision.  For example, I wanted to add my measure into the result. If not, I felt not fair.  I felt it seems to be no democracy and freedom.  Even their decision is very right. The Minority control method does not take them in.  There may be some group members do not commit the decision.  This method has less benefit from group interaction.  So, even though the decision is perfect, I cannot agree with this method. 


On the other hand, it is useful in some special situations.  Such as a temporary committee that considers special problems and decides what action the group should take.


4.  How much influence did you think you had in the estimate?


A lot.


The others’ estimate influenced my decision a lot.


5.  Would you have liked to have more or less influence? Why?


 I like more influences from others.


If others influence me more, I will become much wiser.  I will know how the others think of questions and how they solve the problems.  Comparing different method used with solving the same problems, I will see my advantages and disadvantages more clearly.  I will consider how I make decision and how I can get my life better.


6.  What conclusion can be made with respect to decision-making from this activity?


From this activity, I can make the following conclusion:

Each decision-making method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The Minority control method has its advantages and disadvantages.  Its advantage is that it can be used:

            When everyone cannot meet to made a decision,

            When the group is under such time pressure

            When only a few members have any relevant resources,

            When broad member commitment is not needed to implement the decision.

            It’s useful for simple, routine decision.


Of course, it has disadvantages:

It does not use the resources of many group members

It does not establish widespread commitment

It unresolved conflict & controversy that may damage future group effectiveness.

It does not have much benefit from group interaction.


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