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Obama got American Spirit

(2008-01-05 11:30:00) 下一個
Obama has the spirit to insprire people, the spirit that you see in John F Kennedy and Bill Clinton. He fully presented his spirit in his speech, the audacity of hope. It is the same spirit that motivates millions to come here and fight for their dreams. It is the land of Hope. I believe that his winning will send the signals to minority groups especially African Americans that have been vitimized by the historical burdern. This generation needs an icon that they can relate to. and Obama could be the icon of this generation. It is sad to see that this generation only produced Britney Spear and Paris Hilton so far. Although I disagree with his policy such as amenesty, and also applaud republican's small government and fiscal conservative. I agree that America needs to renew its pioneering spirits. A greatest leader is not to dictate, but to inspire. A renewed spirit with modest policy is what this country needs. His strategy should focus on moderate Christian conservatives from who he will have the most opposition, preserving traditional value as well as bringing hope to future generation. His thinking should jump out being an African minority, and be incon for all Americans. Calling illegal immigration as new civil rights movement is political drawback to me. It restricts his role as minority spokesperson rather than America's future leader.
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