Some comments on sub-comments:"不一定。是不是自己帶大的有很大關係。" from金色風鈴: 我的情況和你的很類似!有時覺得父母偏心是一大禍害,就那我說吧,由此會造成悲觀不自信的心理障礙。更荒唐的,為了趕在獨生子nu政策落實之前(在寧夏),借口說“為了不讓我妹孤獨,再為她生一個作伴”,明顯把我排除在外,隻可惜又是一個nu娃,哈哈!兒時對父母偏心就當是小人計魎,他們還時不時的把我和我妹比,比的不是學習成績,而是穿帶上,因為我的新衣服都是外婆,阿姨,舅舅們買的,my mom always complained that my sister wore my old clothes。還有令人費解的,my parents feel very guilty for and owed something to my sister because she didnt go to college. Actually, it was not my parents' fault since my sister just dont like study more... From my childhood memory, my parents liked to make troubles in the family because of me since they were back to my grandma home. I can say that one of my reasons that I wanted to stay in USA is being far away from them. It sounds very sad, doesnt it? I hope that good and reponsible parents should learn how important raising children is in a balance way and then build up more and more healthy generations not only in physically but also in mentally! | ![]() |