

(2009-05-13 13:38:57) 下一個
i don't want to brag about it, 我還真有一次穿著短褲去 Old Town Montreal, I mean Montréal 某高檔法國店吃8-course的法國大餐. 那次是開車去加拿大玩,全身上下的行頭除了鞋加起來也不到$30.本來趕時間,就準備在路邊買點麥當勞邊走邊吃的,結果正好路過這家店,在review上看見過如何如何牛x的法國店,忍不住想進去,說老實話, 左博士本來也有些覺得穿成這樣進這樣的高檔店有些不妥。結果問問waiter, do you have dress code here? She said, with Francias accent, niu niu niu, of course not, welcome, please come in. 結果進去一看,裏麵穿什麽的都有,也有個把穿短褲的,must be them sloppy tourists from America, lol... 記不清多少錢了,蝸牛啊, calf thymus, weird stuff, 加上酒,反正不便宜。說老實話,the service and environment was great, but i was not that impressed by the food. 左總還是喜歡便宜,量足,味道重的,比如說川菜,lol...當然各個地方的規矩不一樣,紐約很多牛排店都要穿正式或半正式的, 到了不熟悉的地方,進門問問總是可以的。進門看看,問問不丟人,OK? lol...

所以我說同學們,別動不動就以為洋人的這啊那的如何如何, it's not always as exotic or fantastic as you might think. 我覺得我們中國人在這方麵把握得不好,看人,看東西很多時候不是俯視,就是仰視. 我們應該有顆平常心,不卑不亢,學會平視everything. even when they are super supermodels in high heels. lol...
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