(2008-06-11 09:27:09)
很簡單, 左總doesn't like the job any more, and the job doesn't like 左總either, and there are more important things to do in life than just working(at least for a while). 左總 has been doing the job mostly for the purposes of entertainment and interacting with people in the past few years since 2003 when stock market, especially Chinese markets and energy price took off after Iraqi war, not so much for bread or butter or 煎餅果子 in the first place. Now 左總 wants to 行萬裏路,讀萬卷書(which左總started doing today, detail to follow).
however, this should NOT be attempted by any individual who simply just doesn't want to work, if earing for food is still your first priority. 左總有綠卡,有銀子,不多,也不少,按照煎餅果子/炸醬麵/魚香肉絲, 青島啤酒 every other day(自己下廚)的標準, 夠左總從安史之亂吃到鴉片戰爭,要是回到祖國的懷抱,應該夠從秦始皇統一六國堅持到新中國成立,當然嘍,不能抽,不能嫖,更不能賭,而且還要適當炒炒股。