

(2008-06-11 09:28:40) 下一個
First of all, thanks you, these are very good attitutes and suggestions per se(per se is Latin, meaning intrinsically, by itself), but the problem is:

Maybe that's what you, or many other people want, but 左總 doesn't want to 公費出差去歐洲南美澳洲(doesn't like that in the first place), or 外派中國(not any more), or 配金發漂亮女秘書(男秘書), or 薪水大漲(having money to eat 1 煎餅果子 a day for 100 years or 100 a day for 1000 years doesn't make any difference for 左總(or anybody other sane person)).

左總當過語文課代表,曆史課代表,學習委員,班長(for 1 semester),左總大學哲學課都是優. 你說的那些東西左總小學三年級暑假的第一個月的上半個月的第一個禮拜的每天上午就已經搞定了, not bad, but not too impressed either.

BTW,你怎麽光說洋人,不說說經史子集, 釋道儒法, 諸子百家,孔孟李杜,三國演義,紅樓夢...? 子在川上曰,逝者如斯夫的時候康德還在樹上蕩悠吧? Is this because Chinese men s*ck, these are all Chinese men, so they all s*ck?

左總 was never trying to "擺平" or bend over(I hope you are thinking what I'm thinking) any high profile women with cheap jokes. However, if they do want to bend over or spread their legs, I'm not going to apologize either nor am I going to take advantage of that all the time.

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