

(2008-06-11 09:27:22) 下一個
星期天本來要去大都會博物館看展覽的(Free admission with Bank of America debit or credit card, why not? :-), 結果天氣太熱,不適合任何戶外exposure, 為了省電,左總去書店呆了三天(i took today off), 讀了五本書(i don't want to sound like anybody, but左總自幼博聞強記,博覽群書,一目十行,一日千裏,三天讀五本書對左總來說算是發揮一般的)。

Anyway, 這五本書是:

1.Crash Proof

2.Bad Money

3.the Coming Generation Storm

4.the War on China

5.More Sex is Safer Sex

隨便找的5本書裏前三本都是說的the coming crisis and the possibility of a collaps of US economy and US dollar, 看來這不是空穴來風,但一般來說,如果大家都看到了危機and prepared,危機(i hope)就應該爆發得不那麽猛烈. 但是沒有一個作者給出了一個viable solution, because the problem has been too big and too serious and has been ignored or even purposedly covered up too well and for too long, at least for the general public(because it's too big and too serious).

對投資感興趣的同學們可以讀讀第一本,it tells you how to be prepared, or even profit from the coming crash, namely, buy foreign(China), buy gold/oil, and buy CASH.

第二本比較文言,不推薦,unless you have a 文科 PHD from an Ivy League school(not including Cornell).

第三本比較淺顯易懂,臨總應該好好讀一讀,and then you'll understand why Dukeguy keeps 唱衰美國.

第四本,the Coming War on China, OMG, i can't even believe i read it all. 帝國主義亡我之心不死啊. 作者是UC-Irvine的教授(has anyone ever heard of that school?) 作者在書中偷梁換柱,以偏概全,誇大其詞,顛倒黑白,無所不用其極... sometimes it's just simply lying. 同學們,帝國主義真的急紅了眼了...感興趣的不妨一讀,文字非常淺顯,應該是 targeting truck drivers 和 trailer dewellers and people in certain glamorous industry :-)

第5本 is a very light-hearted and interesting book, telling you lot of fun theories and findings against commom wisdom, as the title indicated, 有點像那本膾炙人口的“Freakonomics”, 在Amazon上隻賣半盤兒魚香肉絲的錢.
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