

(2008-01-12 18:25:08) 下一個

兔總曾經說過,衣食足而知榮辱(or is it a famous 法國外交官who said that? can't remember, but someone said that anyway, otherwise you won't be reading it).


首先,自我檢討一下,那封信我昨天隻讀了前兩行半,以為兔總要讓我們學習的是人美國朋友吃飽喝足了行萬裏路讀萬卷書而識禮儀而知榮辱,而咱們國人大老爺們兒成天在網上指點江山,激揚糞土,整個一白活了, so my arguments with 兔總 yesterday was entirely based on the premises established by the first 2 and half lines of the letter.

今天看了B總和兔總的爭論才知道原來there's more to it. 讀完了第二段,發現原來兔總的朋友遊山玩水回來,吃飽喝足了之後擦擦嘴還要不忘挽狂瀾於已倒,kick 偉大的美利堅's fat ass back into 自由民主繁榮富強的道路,Me 對 He 的景仰頓時如滔滔太湖水, 哦葉!當然咯,兔總的朋友嘛,這一點見識,這一槍(or you meant一泡?:-)熱血總還是應該有的。不過我覺得,其實我們國人大老爺們兒在網上指點糞土,不也是為的這個嘛,方式略有不同而已, 那話怎麽說來著?書生報國沒家夥,唯有手中筆如槍?what else can we do? 免冠徒跣,以頭搶地?no no no,此庸夫所為,非士之所為也(用英語說就是,no, no, no, that's for suckers, dude). 不是說溫總理也經常上網嗎?咱們的經國濟世之策要萬一不小心讓他老人家看見了那豈不是萬民之幸,蒼生之福嗎?當然咯,咱們對美國朋友的一泡熱血,sorry,I meant 一槍熱血也不能潑冷水呀. BTW, 美國朋友用了很多我不認識的詞(人都說了快30年英語了嘛), 但“whose”和“who's”的用法他好像沒搞清楚.當然嘍,是人哪有不犯錯誤的?年輕人犯錯誤,佛祖都會原諒的,and yes, 30 is still very young。

過了一會兒等我有讀到了第三段,才搞明白了,原來He在吃飽喝足了給兔總拜年,立誓言表忠心並展示及宏偉計劃的同時,給兔總送來了一封from certain special interest group 的petition email(of course, where do you expect a petition email to come from anyway?), 而且很有可能的是,還讓兔總把這封email轉給兔總所有認識的人,和動物,including, but not limited to 其他的兔子,烏龜,大象,猴子,長頸鹿,甚至大灰狼!! 哦葉!當然咯,咱們對美國朋友的一泡熱血,sorry,I meant 一槍熱血也不能潑冷水呀. 我以前也受到過這樣的email,是Continental Airline的,要我們簽名支持開通從紐瓦克到上海的直飛航線,這其實沒什麽不對的,隻要能賺錢,哪家航空公司不願意為人民服務?


我們在這裏胡說八道的時候, 看看人家老美在做什麽  Local Access打往中國電話卡1.3¢/分種
來源: 傻瓜兔 於 08-01-11 17:54:48 [檔案] [博客] [舊帖] [轉至博客] [給我悄悄話]  
這是我收到的一個好朋友的新年短信, 他是一個小有名氣的攝影師, 30歲, 收入不俗, 但是他隻租房, 大把錢花在旅行, 見世麵上. 看看人家的新年計劃, 多麽一槍熱血.

看上去很傻是吧? 這是一個典型的美國中產階級的代表, 單純, 理想化. 可美國就是因為有這些人的支撐, 得以維持一個健康純淨的精神狀態. 再瞧瞧我們中的某些人, 就知道房子車子打著回國可以泡幾個小密的小算盤, 居然有崇拜張斌的, 多沒愛國心.

個別人要好好清理一下靈魂深處的汙點, 我說誰呢都知道吧?

"Happy New Year!

Wow, I'm just getting back from a truly eye-opening trip to NW Africa, in which I traveled the countries of Morocco, Mauritania, and Senegal, along the way encountering overwhelmingly rich culture and heritage in a land that has very little. All the beauty and potential thriving in lands who's governments are making slow progress entering the modern age, and with daunting hurdles of poverty, illiteracy, and scant resource, made me realize the blessings we enjoy daily. I highly recommend a visit to experience this first hand if you ever have the chance.
The trip cemented, all the more, one of my resolutions this year, to become more active in the political realms here at home.

Our country has been on a runaway course hurtling towards an economic and a social precipice for the past few years. And of all the varied factions accelerating us towards ruin, I believe that we have a few root causes to rectify before any reverse of direction can be made. We have an opportunity today to learn about, and begin to correct, one of these key issues and lead our representatives and our countryback towards a sustainable track.

Please take a moment to read the forwarded email below and you may be surprised that the cornerstone of our democracy is being chiseled away. Free and fair elections fundamentally support our democracy and without complete faith and transparency in the process and the results, the framework of our nation stands poised to crumble around us. This is not a partisan issue; it's a patriotic one, and the time to act is now. If changes are to be made in time for the presidential elections, the process must begin straight away! Please sign the petition below, and then take the next steps... You'll find links towards the bottom of the email to read further and analyze your findings; decide for yourself if you think corporations should hold the secret key to our ballots and how they're counted. Then please spread the word further, and vote by vote, call by call, brick by brick, we can rebuild this democracy from the ground up!

All the best for you and yours in 08!!!

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