

(2007-12-25 05:36:44) 下一個

1 大額數字
(1) 在聽到million和thousand之後加一個comma;如果未聽到十位數或百位數,則在十位或百位上加一個0。如表1。
讀  音 正確數字
2 million 7 thousand 9 2,007,009
50million 60 thousand a hundred and 20 50,060,120
a hundred 50 million, 40 thousand and 70 150,040,070
3 hundred 43 million, 5 hundred 6 thousand, a hundred and 4 343,506,104
7 hundred 30 million, 4 thousand and 15 730,004,015
數  字 讀   音
211 two eleven
103,141 one hundred three thousand and one forty one
10,500,000 ten thousand a half million
17,500,000 seventeen and one half million
27,000,000,000 twenty seven thousand million
210,000,000,000 two hundred ten thousand million

2 百分數百分數
除了常規讀法如5.1%讀作 five point one percent 之外,還有一些特殊讀法。了解這些特殊讀法乃是迅速準確地對百分數做出反應的關鍵所在。下麵的例子均出自VOA:
1.5% one and one half percent 13.5% thirteen and one half percent 1.3% one and three tenth percent 0.4% four tenth one percent

3 數字零(0)
(1) Er, Celtic Three, Manchester City nil; Queens Park Rangers two, Motherwell United one. 前者比分為3∶0,後者為2∶1。
(2) Italy won its semi final match against Poland on Thursday. The score was two to nothing. 這裏比分為2∶0。

4 電話號碼
聽記電話號碼最要緊的是了解英美打電話的習慣,以便不失時機地捕捉稍縱即逝的信息。電話鈴一響,英美人士便會拿起話筒“自報家門”,告知對方自己的電話號碼、或是單位名稱、或是自己姓名。因此,我們聽有關打電話的錄音時,所聽到的第一個號碼便是 the number called。很多聽者往往不注意錄音的第一句,因而錯過電話號碼這一重要信息。下麵例句中的第一個數字均為the number called:
(1) 5754661.Who’s calling please?
(2) 7896443. Good morning. Can I help you?
其次,我們要知道電話號碼的念法。英美最常見的電話號碼是7位數,一般逐個逐個地念,在第3位數後麵作一短暫停頓,使之成為前3後4的格局。例如:274 (pause)8553  789(pause)6443在上麵的兩個號碼中,8553可念成eight double five three, 6443可念成six double four three。但在7733298這樣的號碼中,不可念成double seven double three two nine eight,即要遵守前3後4的規則。另外,像5553298這樣的號碼,前3位數一般也不念成treble five,而是five five five逐個念。至於電話的區號(Area Code)則很簡單,美國的區號一般是3位數字。例如:(212)271—1107.(212)就是區號。

5 時間
(1) 說幾點過幾分,英國人喜歡用past,而美國人喜歡用after。如九點過十分,英國人說ten past nine,美國人卻說ten after nine
(2) 機場、車站使用的是24小時製,因此說幾點幾分而又不足10點時,往往要補上一個0。例如: Lufthansa Flight LH203 leaves at 0920. (讀作Oh nine twenty) The coach leaves for the airport at 0815.(讀作 Oh eight fifteen)
(3) 電台報時使用的是GMT,時間後麵都加s。例如: This is London, 23 hours Greenwich Mean Time. BBC World Service. This is Radio Australia broadcasting from our studios in Melbourne. It’s 9:30 hours, Greenwich Mean Time .
(4)聽時間也有困難的時候。例如: At the third stroke, the time sponsored by Accurist will be twelve one and fifty seconds. 上麵句子中的時間是12:01:50。如果我們事先不了解這種說法,要順利聽懂並記下這個時間恐怕就成問題。
Man: Miss Smith, I told Dr. Brown that I would call him in the Houston office at 10 o’clock their time. Please find out the time difference for me so that I’ll know when to place the call.
Woman: It’s 2 hours earlier in Houston, sir, I know without looking it up because my sister live there.
Question: When should the man place his call to Houston?
本題的正確答案是At 12 o’clock。如果聽者沒有時差的概念,特別是對早幾個小時或遲幾個時糊裏糊塗,往往就會選擇At 8 o’clock的錯誤答案。我們再看一個例子:
Guest: Is that the manager?
Hotel Manager: Speaking. Can I be of any assistance?
Guest: Could you speed up your switch board a bit, please? I booked a call to Brussels a good twenty minutes ago and I haven’t had a reply yet.
Hotel Manager: Well, perhaps they’re rather busy at this time of the day. After all, we are an hour ahead of Belgium.
Question: Is the hotel in a country east of Belgium or west of Belgium?
答案當然是east of Belgium。因為地球自西往東轉, hotel這邊快一個小時當在東,Belgium慢一個小時則在西。

6 價格的計算
man: Our rent is now just $600amonth.
Woman: I know. It’s exactly one third more than it was when we first moved in.
Question: how much rent had been paid at first?
(1) 錢數的讀法與寫法。
錢數一般照字麵讀。如$3.35就讀作three thirty five,或者three dollars thirty five(cents省讀)。英鎊也是如此。如£3.35也讀作three thirty five,或者three pounds thirty five(pence省讀)。錢數的寫法如上。70cents寫作70C;68pence寫作68p.(68pence也讀作68p.)
(2) 美國貨幣的名稱。美國的紙幣(bills)都是一元以上的,統稱為dollar(元)。硬幣(coin)單位是cent (分); 五分的叫nickel;一角的叫dime;二角五分的叫quarter;五角的叫half dollar或50cent piece。不了解這些情況,計算價格時就會一籌莫展。例如:
Man: I’d like to buy these four Thanks giving cards. Are they ten cents each?
Woman: Three of them are, but that smaller one is only a nickel.
Question: How much were the cards al together?
(3) 找錢的習慣。美國人找錢的習慣也跟我國的差不多。例如你拿一張10美元的紙幣買一本$3.35的書,店員會先找給你一個nickel,這樣就成了$3.40;再給你一個dime就成了$3.50;加一個50 cent piece就是$4.00;再加一張一美元的紙幣就是$5.00,再加一張5美元的紙幣就湊足了10美元。如果我們不了解這方麵情況,碰上這類計算題,聽到的將是一連串數字,至於對話人在說什麽,則完全莫明其妙,更不用說找出正確答案了。請看下麵例子;
Woman: here is a ten.
Man: That’s two thirty nine for the book, and here is your change; two forty, two fifty, three four five and five makes ten.

7 股票指數
聽股票指數報道的關鍵在於聽前對各種股指有所預期。例如目前的Dow Jones Index在一萬點左右徘徊, Nasdaq Index隻有兩千點,英國的F T Index在四千點左右。超出這種預期的點數都是錯誤的。因此,如果我們聽到下麵這樣的錄音,就可以肯定並非新聞,因為其間的指數早已成為曆史: In New York, the Dow Jones Index fell by 0.4 to a low of 2064.8. While in London, the FT Index rose 8 points to 1794.3

8 溫度
溫度有攝氏度(the Celsius或 The centigrade scale)與華氏度(the Fahrenheit scale)之分。攝氏度水的冰點是零度,沸點是100°,華氏度則分別為32°和212°。以上屬於常識範圍。值得特別注意的是,有些人會在同一語境中既使用攝氏度又使用華氏度,例如他說,“Normally Winter temperatures here range between 25 and 40 degrees.”顯然他使用的是華氏度;然而他馬上又改用攝氏度接著說,“Some times we have temperatures below zero.”隻有有了這種思想準備,聽天氣預報或與外國人交談時,我們才不致被弄糊塗。

9 數字的變化
(1)She’s not young any more, you see, she’s 78 next birthday, and it’s difficult for her to walk up to the top floor. Question: How old is the woman? 明年78,今年當然就是77。聽到78就答78那就錯了。
(3) M:What sort of person are you looking for? W: Oh, someone tall, dark and handsome. M: I see. And what sort of age? W: Oh, mid 20s, I suppose. .答案絕非20,因為20s指20 29,這個mid 20s即指24~26歲。
(4) But I like my place. I’ve got three floors below me and three above, I feel very safe. Question1:On which floor does the speaker live? 答案並非三樓,而是四樓,因為其下還有三層。Question2: How many stories does the apartment building have? 答曰樓高七層,因為他(她)住四樓,其上還有三層。
(4)The lowest altitude in the world is the Dead Sea, 1,312 feet bellow sea level, or you can say minus 1,312 feet. Question: What’s the altitude of the Dead Sea? 答曰-1,312feet。如果我們忽略了below sea level或者minus這個關鍵詞,將反複兩遍的1,312feet當成正確答案,那就差之毫厘,謬以千裏了。


     迅速無誤識別數字的前提是必須能夠流利地讀出數字。首先,要從讀兩位數起,然後練習讀三位和四位數乃至五位或六位以上的數字。其中兩位和三位數的讀法是讀所有數字的基礎。其次,英文數字中的每一個逗點的讀法也要牢記:一個逗號讀“thousand”,兩個逗號讀“million”, 三個逗號讀 “billion”。此外,還要清楚每個逗號間由三位數組成。英文數字中的第四位數、第七位數、第十位數是很關鍵的數位。
  1,234 讀作:one thousand, two hundred and thirty-four
  4,567,809 讀作:four million, five hundred and sixty-seven   thousand, eight hundred and nine
  5,678,120,000 讀作:five billion, six hundred and seventy-eight million, one hundred and twenty thousand

     “-teen”和“-ty”是比較容易混淆的一對讀音。我們可以通過音和音素的差異來區別兩者。含有“- teen ”的詞有兩個重音,即“-teen” 要重讀,且“-teen”中的元音為長元音[ti:n],發音長而清晰;而含有 “-ty”的詞隻有一個重音,即“-ty”不重讀,且“-ty ”中的元音為短元音[ti],發音短而急促。

Fifteen [’fif’ti:n] fifty[’fifti]
nineteen[’nai’ti:n] ninety[’naiti]

       表達時間的方法有三種,其中最為普遍的一種是先說“分”,再加介詞“past”或“to”,然後說小時。若分鍾為15分鍾、30分鍾、45分鍾,則用 “quarter”、“half”代替具體的分數。習慣上,分鍾在30分以內的,用“past”,如過了30分鍾,則用“to”。美國英語中,常用 “after ”代替“past”,用“before”(或till)代替“ to”。
   10:00 讀作:ten o’clock或ten
   10:15 讀作:a quarter past ten(英式)
             或 a quarter after ten(美式)
   10:30 讀作:half past ten(英式)
              或 ten thirty(美式)
    10:50 讀作:ten to eleven(英式)

或 ten before eleven(美式)
   4:30 p.m. 讀作:four-thirty p.m.
   5:45 p.m. 讀作:five-forty-five p.m.
      最後一種方法是日常生活中最不常用的24小時製。如:用14:15 (fourteen-fifteen)代替2:15 p.m,用 23:05 (twenty-three-oh-five)代替11:05 p.m.。這種用法主要出現在官方的時刻表上和電台的正式報時中。


    541 B.C. 讀作:five four one B.C
                   或 five hundred forty-one B.C
    1800 讀作:eighteen hundred
    1701 讀作:seventeen oh one
                或 seventeen hundred and one
    2000 讀作:two thousand

    in the 1840’s 讀作:in the eighteen forties (十九世紀四十年代)
    in the 1950’s 讀作:in the nineteen fifties(二十世紀五十年代)
    in the ’60’s 讀作:in the sixties(本世紀六十年代)
   如要表示一個年代的初期、中期、末期, 可在年代前分別加“early,mid,late”。如:in the early 1770’s;in the late 1590’s。
    in the 3rd century 在三世紀
    in the mid 14th century 在十四世紀中葉
     世紀給學生們帶來的一個麻煩是,怎樣確定某年屬於哪個世紀。我們可以簡單地概括為:在百位數中加1,再去掉兩位尾數,即得世紀數。如:725年在百位數上加1,去掉兩位尾數25,得8,因此725年屬八世紀。再如: 1103年在百位數上加1去掉兩位尾數03,得12,故1103 年屬十二世紀。

    序數詞是用來表示順序的數詞。除了幾個特殊的序數詞(如first,second,third)外,它都是在與之相應的基數詞尾加“-th”構成的,前麵一般要加定冠詞,如the fourth,the eighth,the tenth。
   電話號碼 505—6610 讀作:telephone number five oh five double six one oh
    345房間 讀作:Room three four five

    1/3 讀作:one-third
    7/12 讀作:seven-twelfths
    1/2 讀作:a(one)half
    3/4 讀作:three quarters
    20/87 讀作:twenty over eighty-seven
    33/90 讀作:thirty-three over ninety
2/3→two thirds
3/7→three sevenths
*比較複雜的分數如:24/789,多讀作 twenty four over seven hundred and eighty nine。
0.0089→(zero /naught)point zero zero eight nine
1.36→one point three six
百分數由percent表示,百分號%讀作 percent,應用時常與by連用。
0.68%→zero point six eight percent
6%→six percent
369%→three hundred and sixty nine percent
The output of steel went up by 20 percent.鋼產量增長20%。
The price of cotton was reduced by 20 percent.棉花的價格下降了20%。
The loss of water has been reduced to less than 30 percent.水的損耗減少到30%以下。
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林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 Oops, 我是說:你真幽默。
林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 pingy213,



Merry Christmas to you,
