早上扭響了收音機,還在貪戀著暖暖的被窩,突然收音機傳遞來一個冰涼的消息,電影《斷背山》男主角之一的澳大利亞演員 HEATH LEDGER 被發現過世在位於紐約的寓所中。驚呆了,真希望自己聽錯了,怎麽可能?一個年僅28歲的才華橫溢的青年,怎麽就這樣說走就走了呢?為什麽呀?太令人難以至信了。
HEATH 在澳洲的家人也是從收音機裏聽到的這個消息,可想而知那種白發人送黑發人的極度悲傷的心情。他的家人說 HEATH 在他短短的一生中打動了世界上那麽多不同層次的人,但極少有人有幸真正地認識和了解他,他是一個腳踏實地、慷慨善良、熱愛生活、毫不自私的人,並給許多人帶來特別的啟示。讀來更加令人唏噓。生活中的他還是一個特別慈愛的模範爸爸,他說過擁有了女兒讓他對死亡也不懼怕了,因為知道自己的生命會在她的生命中延續。
如我一樣,在這世界上有很多被 HEATH 的天才打動了的人,讀網上報道說很多影迷在他的寓所樓下留下鮮花,點燃蠟燭,難過的竟至流淚。想著這麽年輕這麽有朝氣、有才華和魅力的生命離世而去,就是心痛,就是惋惜。為了他的年輕,為了他出眾的才華,也為了他那還沒有長大就再也得不到爸爸的擁抱和親吻的小女兒。再也看不到 HEATH 出演的影片了,但是他塑造的角色會永遠被人們記住的,被記住的還有他永遠年輕陽光的形象,永遠的28歲。
為 HEATH 祈禱,願他安息。人間的戲劇演過看過經曆過,願他去的地方也有一片舞台對應他的才華。在世上,在喜愛他的萬千影迷的記憶中,他永遠地留下了自己的痕跡。
Cela fait deux semaines déjà depuis la disparition de HEATH, je ne peux toujours pas m'empêcher de penser à ce garçon si jeune, si talentueux et si généreux, non seulement en tant qu'un acteur, mais aussi en tant qu'un être humain. Il y a un profond chagrin qui m'a envahi depuis ce jour. Cela me paraît tellement incroyable que je n'ai pas envie de le croire. il y a des moments que je me suis dis que si ce n'était pas vrai, que s'il était toujour là ...... , même si je ne le connaissais que dans ses films, mais ...... je suis vraiment attristée par sa disparition. J'ai l'impression que je n'ai jamais aimé un acteur auparavant comme je l'aime, Heath. Un mal du coeur et une étrange colère existent chez moi. Son sourire éblouissant et ses images du film me reviennent très souvent. je sais qu'un jour je ferai le voyage pour le pays de Heath, que j'irai le voir là où Heath repose en paix.
Le cinéma pert un grand acteur, les fans ne pourront plus l'admirer, plus être touché par lui dans un nouveux rôle. A travers de nombreux forums sur l'internet dédiés à lui, je me suis rendue compte à quel point il a été aimé par les gens des quatre coins du monde et à quel point les émotions suscitées par sa disparition étaient fortes. Non stop depuis deux semaines sur ces forums, les admirateurs d'origine très différente ont exprimé leur grande tristess et leur tendre amour pour Heath. A part son talent reconnu, Heath possédait notemment une qualité humaine rare chez les stars hollywoodiennes. Il était vraiment bel et touchant.
Oh, dear Heath...It took me almost two months to put my feelings into words. The pain slightly fades away but I still carry you in my thoughts wherever I go. I do remember the way your charisma gobsmacked me the very minute you captured the screen in The Patriot surpassing the charm of Mel Gibson himself...Oh God, You were so beautful inside and out, and talented in so many ways...the way you explored your natural born gifts and kept growing as an actor and extraordinary person never stops to amaze me. I remain in awe of you, your talent and huge heart which radiated through your brown eyes, your smile and simple human moves. You keep haunting me as a conflicted Ennis (the character you created is engraved in cinematic history, so is your name), hilarious J.Grimm and unexpected Skip (I hardly recognized you there!), and I blame it on your unique versatility! I own every movie you are in...and can't wait to witness your triumph as Joker. You were one step to greatness...
...Yet you were the greatest in another role - a giving person and a doting father to sweet little Tildy who'll cherish the warmth of your arms forever...So many more spaces left unexplored... I so wanted you to get the chance to use your deep manly voice in a musical, see your directing, photographic skills...You packed much into your 28 years as if you discovered truths we failed to know. Yeah, you were an ''Old man river'', truly artistic, deeply sensitive and wise beyond your years...Oh God, you were so humble and completely down-to-earth. My heart goes out to your loved ones, and those who only knew you from the other side of the screen but were touched by your beauty...Don't worry, I'll keep you in safety within my heart (as millions of others) and promise my everlasting thoughts to you.
RIP, the Legend!
...with Love...miss you, Irreplaceable...
Keep on lighting up heaven with that shining smile of yours!
Posted by Nataliya, Kiev, Ukraine http://www.heathbaby.com/guestbook.php
Heath was not "simply a young man who tragically died well before his time - nothing more." He was much more. As someone who knew him, I'd give anything to have him back and he was much more than Nicolson, DeNiro, Brando, or Welles put together. Even at his young age. I'm not talking about just acting ability. I'm talking about who he was as a person, which you cannot possibly know. But he did more, gave more, cared more than I've ever heard about any of those men. He genuinely cared about people, loved life, and gave back anonymously in ways you'll never know. He lacked ego, he looked at all people equally, He was genuine and compassionate, instinctual, creative, and brilliant. He was young, but he was the best of us. And I'd trade places any minute to have him back. Posted by: Phyllis Cribb of USA
Acteur irlandais Daniel Day-Lewis a dédié son prix du SAG à Heath.
"Of course, in Brokeback Mountain he was unique,"
"He was perfect. And that scene in the trailer at the end of the film is as moving as anything I have ever seen."
"I suppose that's all I've been thinking about for the last few days. I never met him. I thought he was beautiful. I just have a very strong feeling that I would have liked him very much as a man. ...I admired him very much."
"Un jour viendra où on se souviendra de lui comme d'un bel homme qui a laissé quelques oeuvres magnifiques," a encore jugé Daniel Day-Lewis.
The director of Heath's work Four Feathers, Shekhar Kapur, said about Ledger, "He was one the most gentle, the most honest, most caring and most compassionate persons I had met. And one of the most honest actors I worked with."
His family spoke of "losing the most amazing 'old soul' in a young man's body".
"We have observed you so determined yet quietly travelling in your self-styled path in lift, nothing would get in your way...... no mountain too tall, no river too wide."
HEATH, tu es parti mais tu seras toujours dans nos coeurs.
謝謝你的留言. 我現在好多了. ._.