  • 博客訪問:


(2008-10-11 14:52:12) 下一個



1.  步行 我並不是指去散步,我的意思是設計一下你的生活,以至於你能多走走。不管是去工作、雜貨店、朋友家、還是酒 吧,或是所有地方,盡量步行、騎自行車、或者單腳滑翔車去。花十五分鍾的車程隻是為了去體育館的腳踏車上走一個小時?如果你足夠幸運,有兩條還能走路的腿,為什麽不用上它們呢?

2.  微笑 所有時刻,請保持微笑。即使是出納找錯了你錢的時候。人們通常並無惡意,特別是他們不是麵對偵探的時候。

3.  喝水 也可以說成是“不要喝蘇打或咖啡”。既浪費錢,損害健康,對牙齒也沒什麽好處。省省吧,除非你真的需要咖啡因的時候。

4.  買二手的  關於我的這點哲學,已經應用在音樂上了。與其在一個節儉儲存收率項目那裏買不是很有水洗感覺的衣服,我寧願在其它我喜歡的衣服店裏買,隻要花一點點錢。這個策略在書和家具上同樣行得通。通過買二手的東西,你會得到冒險的發現,同時也避免了隻有消耗當代的平麵藝術的體驗

5.有待安排  你可以把這一點運用到一係列的事情上,但我再也找不出比“我的'收件箱/發件箱'這種方法更好的處理髒衣服的方法”。是不是應該把你所有的金融文件,打個比方,放在檔案櫃裏。也許吧,但是當你的排列開始變亂的時候一定要意識到。

6.住小一點的地方  什麽?你不能供應得起一個就在1號公路旁邊的三室三衛,有一個大陽台,一個車庫的房子?很好。這樣你也不會買這麽多廢物了。從長遠看,你能省錢了,也會更加快樂。

7.記住你的適應性有多強  如果把你扔到一個森林的中央你能活多久?你一定會對自己感到很驚訝,所以當你覺察到生活中有大的變化時不要擔心。做必要的事情去獲得一般水平的快樂是人的天性,一旦冒險成功,你會不斷的超越自己。


Eight   Life Hacks for Health, Wealth, and Happiness : kadavy.net

I’ve noticed in my short existence that I tend to do many things differently from most people. Some of those things probably work just as well, whereas others make me wonder “why doesn’t everyone do this?” Here are eight things that may make you feel like you’re cheating the system, too (in no particular order):

Walk – No, I’m not saying “go for a walk,” I’m saying design your life so that you walk more. Live close enough that you can walk/bike/razor scooter to something that you frequent whether that’s work, a grocery store, a friend’s house, a bar, or preferably – all of them. Why spend 15 minutes driving to a gym to spend half an hour on a treadmill? If you’re fortunate enough to have legs that work – use them.

Smile – All of the time. Even when the cashier gives you the wrong change. People’s intentions are usually good, especially when they’re dealing with someone who isn’t being a dick.

Drink Water – Or I could say “don’t drink soda or coffee.” It’s a waste of money, health, and teeth. Save your caffeine tolerance for when you really need it.

Buy Used – I’ve already told you about my philosophy as this applies to music. Buying my clothes at a thrift store yields items that are not-so-watered-down versions of what I would get at my other favorite clothing store, and that are a fraction of the price. This strategy transfers well to books and furniture. When you buy used you get the adventure of discovery, and avoid the flat artistic experience that comes with only consuming the contemporary.

Underorganize – There are a number things you can apply this to, but I can’t give a better example than my “inbox/outbox” method of doing laundry. Should you keep all of your financial documents etc. in a filing cabinet? Probably, but recognize when your organizing reaches the point of diminishing returns.

Live Small – What’s that, you can’t afford a three-bedroom, three bath house with a huge yard and garage in a neighborhood where #1 is possible? Good. Then you won’t buy so much crap. You’ll save money in the long run, and you’ll be happier, too.

Remember How Adaptable You Are – How long could you live if you were transported to the middle of a forest? You would probably surprise yourself, so don’t be afraid of perceived “big” changes in life. It’s a part of human nature to do what is necessary to reach at least previous levels of happiness, but risks succeeded will get you there and then some.

Don’t Make Lists of Rules – or Follow Them (They All End This Way) – Such things are only made by bloggers hoping to get lots of del.icio.us bookmarks. The world is too complex to be condensed into a list of rules.

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