
Jun.11,2008 Wed-Jack\'s first day in day care

(2008-06-11 20:17:25) 下一個

Jun.11,2008 Wed

First Day in Day Care

After several discussions with YMCA, yesterday morning when Jack and I were in the early year center I received a call and was told that there is a LINK program who has space for my baby and me. Oh, finally we made it!

Last night before I kissed him good night, I told Jack, my 11 month old son, that we would attend LINK class and he would come to day care in the same building. I thought he could understand although he couldn’t speak. It is an important step for me and Jack as we never departed each other in the past almost 12 months, even for one minute. I couldn’t sleep until late in the evening. In the dream I heard Jack’s crying all night.

I woke up early in the morning. After packed up for all items for Jack and myself, I fed Jack. Jack was so cooperative and ate well. We left home on 8:00 as I scheduled. When we hurried into the LINK center, it was on time. We were lead into the Child Minding Room. After filled in some forms, I took Jack into infant’s corner. We met Sutha, a middle age lady who works in this corner. Sutha greeted to Jack friendly, then she put Jack on her kneels. Jack looked around and had no significant reaction. It is an unfamiliar place for him. I waited 5 minutes , 10 minutes, Jack didn’t cry. I planned to head to my class. After I handed over my diaper bag and formula container to Sutha, I said Good bye to Jack and Sutha.

I was in the classroom, but my heart flied to infant room. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, suddenly I heard a baby’s crying. It was not from Jack. I was sure. But after the baby cried for more than 30 minutes, I felt unconfident whether it was from Jack. I tried to persuade that it shouldn’t from Jack. But finally I was out of control of myself and stood up, asked for leave. I rushed into the infant room. IT WAS NOT Jack crying. Jack was playing on the mat with Sutha. I was so happy to see that. When he saw me, he smiled and raised his hands for a hug. I was so impressed as it was his first time to leave mom. What a good boy! I kissed him and hugged him for 2 to 3 minutes. Then put him back on the mat. I came back to classroom happily. Now I can concentrate on my lessons. During recess, I visited Jack again. He went sleep after having 200 ml formula. It was his routine work. Sutha told me Jack’s performance during my leave. It was really a good start.

I hope tomorrow Jack will continue as today. Then both of us will go further and further.

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