法國薰衣草 (熱門博主)
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Any Chinese pianist has to weather the popularity of Lang Lang and Yundi, but Hong Xu has more taste and insight than those two put together. A recent London recital identified a real talent for bringing music to life, coupled with genuine passion and sensibility.


-- 摘自《 倫敦旗幟晚報》 2010 年 3 月 24 日:《...the pianists you have to listen》


被紐約時報評為 “ 擁有輝煌技巧,敏銳的音樂洞察力,並似有無限潛力 ” 的中國鋼琴家徐洪由於在與國際著名鋼琴家,指揮家弗拉基米爾 - 阿什肯那齊 (Vladimir Ashkenazy) 成功的合作演出了拉赫瑪尼諾夫第三鋼琴協奏曲後,已一躍成為當今令人注目的年輕鋼琴家之一。 BBC 音樂雜誌和國際鋼琴雜誌( IPQ )毫不吝嗇的對他大加讚賞,稱其為 “ 一顆正在冉冉升起的明日巨星 ” 。
近幾年來, 徐洪在赫尼茲( Honens) ,基娜 - 巴考爾( Gina Bachauer) ,希爾頓 - 海德 (Hilton Head) 等重要國際比賽中的獲獎。他的演出足跡遍及亞,歐,美等洲的許多重要城市, 如紐約、倫敦、柏林、多倫多、華盛頓、北京等等。他也憑著自己出色的音樂技巧與修養,與許多交響樂團有過成功的合作。如英國哈雷交響樂團、美國羅切斯特愛樂、猶他交響樂團、伊斯曼交響樂團、朱麗亞交響樂團、馬其頓國家交響樂團、加拿大卡爾加裏愛樂,蒙特利爾都市交響樂團等等。其演奏錄音通過美國國家廣播電台、加拿大國家廣播電台、英國國家廣播電台、紐約廣播電台等等國際知名的電台廣播世界各地。他的首張專輯已於 2008 年 9 月由加拿大的 Honens 所屬的公司發行。
徐洪在美國肯尼迪中心和卡內基音樂廳的獨奏會獲得圓滿成功後, 2008 年 11 月首次在倫敦享有盛譽的威格摩廳舉辦了獨奏會,著名作曲大師弗雷德裏克,謝夫斯基 (Frederic Rzewski) 為徐洪譜曲,讓徐洪來擔任其世界首演者。 2009 年徐洪的日程除了在北美各地舉辦獨奏會外,還受荷蘭鹿特丹愛樂樂團的總監雅尼克 - 奈塞 - 塞剛 ( Yannick Nezet-Seguin) 的邀請,與其指揮的蒙特利爾都市交響樂團一起在魁北克省巡回演出巴托克第三鋼琴協奏曲。 2010 年,他和哈雷在英國巡演格裏格鋼琴協奏曲,並收到威格摩的邀請而在倫敦舉辦第二次個人演奏會,獲得了巨大的成功。應主辦方之邀,他將於 2012 年再一次在倫敦演出,屆時,威格摩音樂中心將會把其精彩的演出錄製成 CD 發行。

徐洪 3 歲學琴, 12 歲就讀於武漢音樂學院附中,他的老師包括蔣立平、卞善藝,許忠等。 18 歲被美國伊斯曼音樂學院授予全額獎學金,並師從道格拉斯-翰弗雷斯 ( Douglas Humpherys) 教授。 2006 年獲學士學位及演奏家文憑。 2006 年考入著名美國的朱麗亞音樂學院,師從國際著名鋼琴大師傑羅米-羅文泰爾 ( Jerome Lowenthal) 教授,並獲全額獎學金。 2008 年 5 月榮獲朱麗亞音樂學院鋼琴最高獎-亞瑟 - 魯賓斯坦大獎 ( Arthur Rubinstein Prize) ,同時獲取碩士學位,並成為該年唯一一位考取難度極高的朱麗亞音樂學院藝術家文憑( Artist Diploma) 課程的鋼琴家,師從傑羅米-羅文泰爾教授和羅伯特-麥克唐納 ( Robert McDonald) 教授。 2010 年 5 月,通過不懈努力,徐洪已經獲得了藝術家文憑(演奏博士)。



作為 2006 年 honens 國際鋼琴比賽的獲獎者,徐洪在對其樂器的控製上,又上了一個全新的台階。


-- 英國倫敦《每日快訊報》

2010 年 3 月 28 日

“ 徐洪的演奏好似數碼電視般的清晰,又有行家斟酒般的高雅 ”

---蒙特麗爾 le devoir 報

Hong had found a completely different kind of poetry. That ’ s the great thing about Beethoven: with him, there ’ s never a last word, or a definitive way.


-- 摘自英國《獨立報》

2010 年 3 月 19 日

Hong Xu, Replacement for Paul Lewis Due to the Volcanic Ash

Paul Lewis was due to give a recital here at Middlebury College (and play, among other things, the Schumann Fantasy). But he wasn't able to get out of Europe due to the volcanic ash disruption of air travel. He was replaced by a fellow artist from the Ingpen and Williams agency of London, Hong Xu. Hong is a doctoral student at Juilliard but an already concertizing pianist of great talent. I'd never heard of him before and had no idea what to expect. Here are my thoughts about his recital last night.

Hong Xu played last night and did not disappoint. In fact, this was one of the best 'first' recitals by any artist that I've ever heard. Hong is a slight young man whose appearance is that of an 18-year-old, although I gather he is in his mid-twenties. His Mozart Fantasy in D Minor made me sit up from the first chord and was as nuanced as I've ever heard and entirely convincing. The Moonlight Sonata's first movement was indeed moonlit. He played the work's final movement extremely fast and yet there was very clear delineation of its lines. The Scriabin Fantasy in B Minor, Op. 28 calls for virtuosity and a wide range of tone color, all neatly provided by Hong. This is a loud piece and Hong was equal to the muscle power required. In fact, I noted that the area a couple of octaves above middle C seemed to go slightly out of tune because of the power of Hong's playing. The hall's technician put that to rights during the intermission.

After intermission we heard John Corigliano's Fantasy on an Ostinato (the one written for the 1985 Cliburn Competition), with its heartfelt homage to the Allegretto of Beethoven's Seventh Symphony. It was followed attacca by the beginning of Schubert's Wanderer Fantasie, an entirely apt move because the Wanderer has a very similar Johnny-one-note ostinato through much of its course. This was, I must say, an extremely convincing Wanderer which not only hung together formally (not always the case in performance), it displayed such a range of colors as I've never heard before.

I spoke with the presenter of our Performing Arts Series immediately after the recital and urged him to re-engage this young man. He told me I was already the fourth person to have made that same recommendation.》


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