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電影《摩托日記The Motorcycle Diaries 》(2004)

(2011-04-01 10:30:10) 下一個

最近看得一部電影, 一直很著迷Che的人格, Che,那時才24歲,  一個身體很弱的,出生在中產家庭醫學院學生,另一位Alberto 很喜歡惹女孩的, 兩人進行 一次不同尋常的摩托車南美大陸旅遊,特別是與秘魯的深山貧民,礦工接觸後,還有護理麻風病人, 兩個人走向不同的道路,前者跟隨自己的信念直到被CIA擊斃;另一位選擇正常生活, 結婚, 孩子三個, 當Alberto老年的時候,他以懷念他和Che曾記得那一段激情出遊的時光。

Che 被譽為我們時代最完美的人, 他是一個勇於挑戰的人,挑戰自己身體極限, 挑戰我們的社會到底能幫窮人多少?什麽是合理的社會?  他的方法最後還是失敗了, 卻給後人留下了一種理想和精神,法國一個劇院正在演出一部有關Che的話劇。 法國人是很敬仰理想主義者, 如中國的毛澤東,和南美的Che。 在某種意義Che是失敗了,因為他的主張, 主義沒有得到繼續, 可是他至少為自己的理想活著,為民族和南美人獻身奮鬥。 哈佛牧師把自己的遺產先造就了今日的哈佛,Che他用熱血和生命激勵後人為理想活著為窮人辦事, 不過他也被描述成儈子手。

裏麵的音樂很好聽,特別是那段探戈和Ramba。 南美的景色也很美

很美的音樂, Che年輕的時候也愛過



The Motorcycle Diaries 

The end of 1951,a young man who’s name is Che Guevara and his friend Alberto ride a dilapidated ride,started their second roaming Latin American trip. During the trip ,Che Guevara from an idealist ,has grown into an initial communist ideology of revolutionary soldier. The motorcycle diary in the film cut travel diary as a clue, repeat them in hard and romantic journey.

This film screen time is in 2004, but the real time is in 1952.The movie which is according to the protagonist’s past records in a period of diary of experiences to filming. The movie is through this a diary of time and distance length as rhythm to edit sequences, with flashbacks montage technique to shoot. At first, Begin with the whole of diary as the main line, to describe the story of a motorcycle trip from the starting with their families farewell until they went to different place and go through the journey, last trip over their respective began his another kind of life. And then took it all these years later two people live a what kind of life and their memories of that thing.  

I think this movie conform more a mixture editing. At frist, this movie is based on a real movie an adaptation, the story of the prototype from a hero's diary, have certain documentary properties and authenticity, belong to realism movies. Second, this movie was filmed by actress, even if the story is true, also do not have documentary idiosyncratic, but contains documentary properties, so I can only say this is with a per qualitative dramas. Third, the protagonist's travel full of adventure plot, let a person feel adventure and excitement, also can turn it is classified as adventure film. To sum up, this movie was a documentary properties adventure dramas, also can explain this movie conform more a mixture editing.

This is not a moving story, but two people's part of life - Che guevara and his friend Alberto lattice rana, in those moments, they for the common hopes and dreams in their journey forward courageously. In four months, with a tranquil way, through them in books I know in Latin America, This difficult journey through life, we should pursue it.


The Motorcycle Diaries (Spanish: Diarios de motocicleta) is a 2004 biopic about the journey and written memoir of the 23-year-old Ernesto Guevara, who would years later become internationally known as the iconic Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara. The film recounts the 1952 journey, initially by motorcycle, across South America by Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado. As the adventure centered around youthful hedonism unfolds, Guevara discovers himself transformed by his observations of the life of the impoverished indigenous peasantry. The road presents Ernesto Guevara and Alberto Granado a genuine picture of the Latin American identity. Through the characters they encounter on the road, Guevara and Granado learn the injustices the impoverished face and are exposed to people they would have never encountered in their hometown. The trip serves to expose a Latin American identity as well as explore the identity of one of its most memorable revolutionaries.

The screenplay is based primarily on Guevara's travelogue The Motorcycle Diaries by Ernesto "Che" Guevara, with additional context supplied by Travelling with Che Guevara: The Making of a Revolutionary by Alberto Granado. Guevara is played by Mexican actor Gael García Bernal, and Granado by the Argentine actor Rodrigo de la Serna, who is a second cousin to Che Guevara on his maternal side.[1] Directed by Brazilian director Walter Salles and written by Puerto Rican playwright José Rivera, the film was an international co-production among production companies from Argentina, the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Chile, Peru and France. The film's executive producers were Robert Redford, Paul Webster, and Rebecca Yeldham; the producers were Edgard Tenenbaum, Michael Nozik, and Karen Tenkoff; and the co-producers were Daniel Burman and Diego Dubcovsky.


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