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Music of the Spheres - Mike Oldfield

(2010-09-07 15:02:49) 下一個

Ceremonial South Pole Marker - South Pole, South Pole




  1970年代中期,歐菲爾德就以一手包辦所有樂器彈奏與錄音的專輯「Tubular Bells」功成名就,這張把古典音樂的結構與前衛搖滾樂的演奏風格融合在一起的器樂大作締造了1600萬張的銷售。後來他又挑戰音樂創作極限的專輯包括了塑造當代世界音樂藍圖的經典作「Ommadawn」以及引領新世紀音樂潮流的先鋒之作「魔咒Incantations」,還有電影配樂「殺戮戰場」等。

  【天地運行】源於一個古老的哲學與數學概念,這個概念指出音樂與太陽,月亮與行星的運行有關。歐菲爾德在此張專輯中擔任音樂作曲、吉他獨奏與製作大任,他同時力邀英國當代最受歡迎的古典樂作曲家卡爾傑金斯(Karl Jenkins),「艾比路錄音室」中的管弦樂團,鋼琴家郎朗與清新美聲海莉一起加入這趟延伸聽覺視野與挖掘情感深度的音樂旅程。

  他從霍爾斯特、拉赫曼尼諾夫的古典作品,還有史提夫萊克與菲利浦葛拉斯這些極簡派音樂大師的樂曲,甚至是電音古典派玩家威廉歐比特(William Orbit)的節奏裏頭尋找創作的靈感。本輯有著渾然天成的古典樂魅力,同時還蘊藏著專屬於歐菲爾德的獨特神采。 (verycd)

專輯名稱:Music Of The Spheres
藝 術 家:Mike Oldfield
音樂風格:New Age / Neoclassical
音樂資源:Ape & Cue

在2005年的專輯《Light + Shade》麵市兩年半之後,英國環境音樂大師、一生不斷進行音樂探索的傳奇音樂人Mike Oldfield推出了他的首張古典化的音樂專輯《Music Of The Spheres》。在英國流行音樂專輯榜中上榜首周,這張《Music Of The Spheres》取得了第九名的好成績。
Mike Oldfield一生中最出色作品毫無疑問是他1973年推出的那張處子專輯《Tubular Bells》,雖然Mike Oldfield在這30多年中先後在New Age、Jazz、Pop、世界音樂、電影原聲音樂等方麵都做過嚐試,但《Tubular Bells》對 Mike Oldfield 來說是不可替代的,甚至到現在還影響著他的音樂創作。這張《Music Of The Spheres》雖然是一張以古典弦樂為基礎的音樂專輯,但從開篇單曲《Harbinger》,我們還是可以感受到《Tubular Bells》的影子,對《Tubular Bells》專輯熟悉的歌迷可以一下辨認出那一小段“Tubular Bells”的經典旋律。

Mike Oldfield 最大的特點就是他善於從不同時代和不同類型的音樂中汲取精華,在這張專輯當中,我們可以欣賞到新西蘭古典跨界小天後 Hayley Westenra 和我國著名鋼琴演奏家郎朗的精彩表現。

《Music Of The Spheres》在著名錄音室 Abbey Road studios 完成錄製,音樂當中所有的原聲吉他獨奏都由 Mike Oldfield 自己負責演奏。雖然換了一種音樂形式,但 Mike Oldfield 的音樂功力依然令我們歎服

This deluxe reissue comes expanded with a Bonus 14 - track CD featuring the previously unavailable 'Live at the Guggenheim' performance that occured on 7th March 2008 in Bilbao. 'Music of the Spheres' sees the collaboration with the highly respected Karl Jenkins. Oldfield has returned to his ubiquitous Tubular Bells and used a theme from it as the theme for his first attempt at a truly 'classical' album. With guest appearances by the divine Hayley Westenra on the vocal piece 'On My Heart' and acclaimed pianist Lang Lang who appears throughout, Oldfield has drawn upon the best the Classical world has to offer for this outing..

In this world, everything has a pulse or a vibration. This sound is unique to each living or non living thing and in itself creates a music that no-one can hear. I believe that this has a very powerful resonance with, and a deep effect, on our lives. What would happen if we took this further and apply this to bigger things, more powerful things: like an entire solar system or galaxy say, what would that sound like?

Musica Universalis is the ancient theory that every celestial body, the sun, the moon and the stars has an inner music. This is a harmonic and mathematical concept derived from the movements of the planets in the solar system. The music created is inaudible to the human ear.

Music of the Spheres is my interpretation of this theory. Every planet and every star: even the whole universe has music within it that no-one can hear, this is what it would sound like if it was set free. This is Music of the Spheres... ~Mike Oldfield

Disc I
01. Harbinger
02. Animus
03. Silhouette
04. Shabda
05. The Tempest
06. Harbinger Reprise
07. On My Heart
08. Aurora
09. Prophecy
10. On My Heart Reprise
11. Harmonia Mundi
12. The Other Side
13. Empyrean
14. Musica Universalis

Disc II
01. Harbinger (Live At The Guggenheim)
02. Animus (Live At The Guggenheim)
03. Silhouette (Live At The Guggenheim)
04. Shabda (Live At The Guggenheim)
05. The Tempest (Live At The Guggenheim)
06. Harbinger Reprise (Live At The Guggenheim)
07. On My Heart (Live At The Guggenheim)
08. Aurora (Live At The Guggenheim)
09. Prophecy (Live At The Guggenheim)
10. On My Heart Reprise (Live At The Guggenheim)
11. Harmonia Mundi (Live At The Guggenheim)
12. The Other Side (Live At The Guggenheim)
13. Empyrean (Live At The Guggenheim)
14. Musica Universalis (Live At The Guggenheim) 


【新世紀交響】Mike Oldfield - Music Of The Spheres by Xiaokanshijie :


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