法國薰衣草 (熱門博主)
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[著名指揮]洛林•馬澤爾(Lorin Maazel)美籍法國指揮家、作曲家、小提琴家

(2010-02-03 04:45:56) 下一個

File:Maazel 08.jpg

 Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 conducted by Lorin Maazel in Oviedo, Spain in May of 2009.

Andrea Bocelli & Lorin Maazel - Sentimento

洛林·馬澤爾Lorin Maazel1930—),美籍法國指揮家、作曲家、小提琴家。馬澤爾193036日生於巴黎市西郊市鎮納伊。5歲開始隨莫德倫(K.Moldrem)學小提琴,7歲跟阿米蒂奇(F.Armitage)學鋼琴。此外,馬澤爾對樂隊指揮尤感興趣,經常隨家人去觀賞各種大小型的交響樂音樂會演出,次年跟洛杉磯愛樂樂團副指揮巴·卡萊尼科夫(V.Ba-Kaleinikoff)學指揮。1938713日,年僅8歲的馬澤爾竟然上台指揮到訪的愛達荷大學樂團演出舒伯特的《第八交響曲》;同年,巴·卡萊尼科夫出任匹茲堡交響樂團助理指揮,馬澤爾也舉家隨赴匹茲堡居住。翌年818日,馬澤爾在紐約萬國博覽會上指揮因特洛琴樂團演出了門德爾鬆的《第四交響曲》(意大利),同年應指揮大師托斯卡尼尼之邀,在好萊塢音樂廳指揮洛杉磯愛樂樂團演出了柴科夫斯基的《斯拉夫舞曲》。11—12歲時,他接連指揮了NBC交響樂團、紐約愛樂樂團、蒙特利爾交響樂團、費城樂團、舊金山市交響樂團等。馬澤爾驚人的指揮才能,被人們譽為神童指揮家。 




  除演出外,馬澤爾也熱心於錄音、廣播、電視等工作,早在1941年他就開始錄製唱片,他的唱片先後由CBSPHILIPSMCANEW WORLDNONESUCHDGTELACRSONY等唱片公司錄製發行。較能代表他指揮風格的唱片有:《貝多芬交響曲全集》、《馬勒交響曲全集》、莫紮特《唐·喬萬尼》、普契尼《修女安傑麗卡》、《群妖園舞》(Le Villi)、柴科夫斯基《1812年序曲》(以上為SONY錄製);理查·斯特勞斯《查拉圖斯特拉如此說》、威爾第《露易莎·米勒》、策姆林斯基《抒情交響曲》、拉威爾《西班牙時光》、《孩子與魔法》(以上為DG錄製);布魯克納《第八交響曲》、德沃夏克《斯拉夫舞曲集》、韋伯《安魂曲》、威爾第《奧賽羅》、拉威爾《鋼琴協奏曲》(以上為EMI錄製) 



Maazel was born to Jewish-American parents in Neuilly-sur-Seine in France and brought up in the United States. Raised by a musical family (his grandfather Isaac was a violinist in the Met Orchestra), Maazel was a child prodigy, taking his first conducting lesson at age seven and making his debut at age eight. At the age of eleven, he guest conducted the NBC Symphony Orchestra on the radio. At twelve he toured America to conduct major orchestras. He made his violin debut at the age of fifteen. He later studied at the University of Pittsburgh.

In 1960 he became the first American to conduct at Bayreuth. He was conductor of the Deutsche Oper Berlin from 1965 to 1971 and the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra from 1965 to 1975.

In 1972, Maazel began his tenure as music director at the Cleveland Orchestra, succeeding George Szell. Maazel's emotional, rich interpretation of music greatly differed from Szell's characteristic crisp, defined precision in performance. One of his most notable recordings during this time was the first complete stereo recording of George Gershwin's Porgy and Bess, using an all African-American cast (except for the chorus). He held the post until 1982. He has not conducted the Cleveland Orchestra since his departure, a scheduled return engagement in 2006 was cancelled by Maazel because of illness.[1]

Maazel then served at the Vienna State Opera from 1982 to 1984 as general manager and chief conductor. In 1980 he had succeeded Willi Boskovsky as conductor at the Vienna New Year's Concert, an honorary post he upheld until 1986; from 1987 on the conductors have varied year by year,[2] and Maazel has returned a few times

From 1984-1988, he was the music consultant to the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, and its music director from 1988 to 1996. From 1993-2002, he was chief conductor of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra in Munich.

He has conducted the music for three operatic films - Don Giovanni (1979), Carmen (1984), and Otello (1986).

In 2000, Maazel made a guest-conducting appearance with the New York Philharmonic in two weeks of subscription concerts after an absence of over twenty years,[3] which met with positive reaction from the orchestra musicians.[4] This engagement led to his appointment in January 2001 as the orchestra's next music director, starting in 2002, succeeding Kurt Masur.[5][6] He relinquished this position with the New York Philharmonic in 2009 to Alan Gilbert.

In 2004, Maazel became the music director of the Arturo Toscanini Philharmonic. In March 2006, Maazel toured Asia with violinist Lidia Baich, conducting orchestras such as the Singapore Symphony Orchestra and NSO of Taiwan. Since September 2006 Maestro Maazel has been the musical director of the orchestra of the opera house of the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències (City of Arts and Sciences), Valencia, Spain.

Maazel conducted the New York Philharmonic on their landmark visit to Pyongyang, North Korea on February 26, 2008. He led the orchestra in renditions of the North Korean and United States national anthems, Dvorak's New World Symphony, George Gershwin's An American in Paris, and closed with the traditional Korean folk song "Arirang".

Maazel has also composed an opera, 1984, based on the George Orwell novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.

He was depicted conducting Vienna's New Year concert on an Austrian postage stamp issued in 2005

Lorin Maazel été à la tête de plusieurs des meilleurs orchestres du monde :






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