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著名俄國女鋼琴家:塔提安. 妮可拉耶娃妮可拉耶娃 Tatiana Nikolayeva

(2010-02-02 06:01:02) 下一個

Tatjana Nikolajeva / Tatiana Nikolayeva portrait Russian pianist 4 May 1924 13 Nov 1993 stock photo

塔提安. 妮可拉耶娃生於1924年,幼時跟隨母親習琴,在進入莫斯科音樂院後跟則隨名師郭登懷瑟(Goldenweiser)學習。妮可拉耶娃生於1924年,幼時跟隨母親習琴,在進入莫斯科音樂院後跟則隨名師郭登懷瑟(Goldenweiser)學習。 妮可拉耶娃最擅長於對位線條式的樂曲演奏,她對於巴哈的樂曲與蕭士塔高維契賦格曲的演奏詮釋,有著相當獨特且充滿魅力的風格。妮可拉耶娃最擅長於對位線條式的樂曲演奏,她對於巴哈的樂曲與蕭士塔高維契賦格曲的演奏詮釋,有著相當獨特且充滿魅力的風格。 雖然曾在1950年德國萊比錫的「巴哈逝世兩百週年紀念,國際鋼琴大賽」獲得首獎的殊榮,但由於當時蘇聯正走向政治上最封閉的時刻,以致在六○年代除了如李希特、吉利爾斯這類聲勢正如日中天的音樂家,其琴音能越過深鎖的鐵幕,然妮可拉耶娃雖有蕭士塔高維契的器重,可惜她的錄音未能發行到西方世界,以致於遲到1977年她前往日本演出,並於JVC公司錄下巴哈創意曲,妮可拉耶娃才以其精湛的琴藝驚豔全世界。雖然曾在1950年德國萊比錫的「巴哈逝世兩百周年紀念,國際鋼琴大賽」獲得首獎的殊榮,但由於當時蘇聯正走向政治上最封閉的時刻,以致在六○年代除了如李希特、吉利爾斯這類聲勢正如日中天的音樂家,其琴音能越過深鎖的鐵幕,然妮可拉耶娃雖有蕭士塔高維契的器重,可惜她的錄音未能發行到西方世界,以致於遲到1977年她前往日本演出,並於JVC公司錄下巴哈創意曲,妮可拉耶娃才以其精湛的琴藝驚豔全世界。
晚年的妮可拉耶娃有著相當忙碌的演奏生涯。晚年的妮可拉耶娃有著相當忙碌的演奏生涯。 1990年為英國Hyperion司再度灌錄蕭士塔高維契的「24首前奏曲與賦格」,獲得英國「留聲機」雜誌1991年最佳器樂唱片獎。 1990年為英國Hyperion司再度灌錄蕭士塔高維契的「24首前奏曲與賦格」,獲得英國「留聲機」雜誌1991年最佳器樂唱片獎。 而年事漸高的女鋼琴家,終不敵多次長途旅行的勞累,1993年11月在舊金山的一場演奏會當中突然中風昏倒,九而年事漸高的女鋼琴家,終不敵多次長途旅行的勞累,1993年11月在舊金山的一場演奏會當中突然中風昏倒,未能完成演出,九天以後因醫治無效而去世。

Tatiana Petrovna Nikolayeva (Russian: Татьяна Пeтрoвнa Николаева, Tat'jana Petrovna Nikolaeva; May 4, 1924 – November 22, 1993) was a Russian Soviet pianist, composer and teacher.

Nikolayeva was born in Bezhitsa[1] (now part of Bryansk) in the Bryansk district on May 4, 1924. She studied piano from the age of three. She entered the Moscow Conservatory, studying with Alexander Goldenweiser and Evgeny Golubev, and graduated in 1948.

In 1950 Nikolayeva gained prominence by winning the Bach Leipzig Piano Competition, part of the bicentennial marking Bach's death. More importantly, she met Dmitri Shostakovich at the competition leading to a lifelong friendship and was chosen as a first performer of Shostakovich's 24 Preludes and Fugues. During her lifetime, Nikolayeva made three complete recordings of the cycle.

In 1959 Nikolayeva became a teacher at the Moscow Conservatory, later becoming professor in 1965. She made over 50 recordings during her career, notably keyboard works by Bach, including his Art of Fugue, and by Beethoven, but only became widely known in the West late in life. With the fall of Communism, she found herself in demand internationally, making several concert tours to Europe and America.

Her third recording of the Shostakovich 24 Preludes and Fugues won the 1991 Gramophone award in the instrumental category.

On November 13, 1993, while playing the same work in concert in San Francisco, Nikolayeva was stricken by a cerebral haemorrhage and was unable to complete the performance. She died nine days later, on November 22. [2] (Some sources say she died on 13 November, but this is incorrect.)

Her compositions include:

  • Piano Concerto in B major, Op. 10, which was performed and recorded in 1951, with the composer at the piano and Kirill Kondrashin conducting; and published in 1958

  • Trio for piano, flute and viola (recorded on BIS Records)

  • Preludes for piano

  • String quartet.



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