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La Belle Dame Sans Merci 冷酷仙女 - 英國詩人 約翰·濟慈(1795~1821)

(2009-11-13 03:44:53) 下一個

La Belle Dame Sans Merci (The Beautiful Lady Without Mercy) Trailer. Made in 2003. Based on the John Keats poem. Featuring Alyson Weeces and Ed Lee.

La Belle Dame Sans Merci 冷酷仙女
John Keats (1795~1821)

Oh what can ail thee,knight-at-arms 騎士啊 您為何哀傷
Alone and palely loitering? 孤獨彷徨 悲傷煩擾
The sedge has withered from the lake 湖中之草都已枯敗
And no birds sing 鳥兒 也匿聲了

Oh what can ail thee, knight-at-arms 騎士啊 您為何哀傷
So haggard and so woe-begone? 如此憔悴 如此懊惱
The squirrel's granary is full 食物堆滿鬆鼠糧倉
And the harvest's done 豐收時節 都結束了

I see a lily on thy brow 您的眉眼間 綻放一朵百合
With anguish moist and fever dew 濕熱悲苦的露珠於其間垂綴
And on thy cheek a fading rose 您的臉龐上 有支凋零玫瑰
Fast withereth too 轉瞬間 枯萎

I met a lady in the meads 我邂逅美人於那綠坪之上
Full beautiful--a faery's child 她定是精靈之女啊 美得這般無暇
Her hair was long, her foot was light 曼長的秀發 輕盈的步伐
And her eyes were wild 狂野之光 在她眸間閃亮

I made a garland for her head 我用鮮花 為她做成花冠
And bracelets too, and fragrant zone 手鐲 還有那芳香的束腰
She looked at me as she did love 她凝神看我 仿佛滿眼愛意
And made sweet moan 她溫柔歎息 如有甜蜜愁哀

I set her on my pacing steed 我抱她上馬
And nothing else saw all day long 一整日啊 再看不到其他
For sidelong would she bend, and sing 眼裏隻見 她那側身的模樣
A faery's song 耳中隻聞 她唱的妖靈歌謠

She found me roots of relish sweet 她為我采集甜美草根
And honey wild, and manna dew 嗎哪甘露、野生蜂蜜
And sure in language strange she said-- 她所說言語 也甚奇異—
"I love thee true." “我愛你,全心全意”

She took me to her elfin grot 她引我進那妖精洞穴
And there she wept and sighed full sore 於此 她淒淒落淚 她哀哀感傷
And there I shut her wild eyes 於此 那雙狂野之眼啊
With kisses four 被我以吻合上

And there she lulled me asleep 於此 她誘我魂入夢土
And there I dreamed--ah! woe betide! 啊正是於此! 哀痛來襲
The latest dream I ever dreamed 我最近一次沉入夢境
On the cold hill's side 就在那 冰冷的山坡之側

I saw pale kings and princes too 我目睹 諸多麵色蒼白的國王、王子
Pale warriors, death-pale were they all 與騎士;他們全蒼白得 如僵屍白骨
They cried--"La Belle Dame sans Merci 他們都在嘶喊:那個冷酷的女子啊
Hath thee in thrall!" 已經囚你為奴!

I saw their starved lips in the gloam 我目睹 他們那些咧開的枯唇
With horrid warning gaped wide 嘴裏全是 悚駭警言
And I awoke and found me here 爾後我便驚醒 發現自己
On the cold hill's side 已在這 冰冷的山坡之側

And this is why I sojourn here 於是我徘徊此地
Alone and palely loitering 孤獨彷徨 悲傷煩惱
Though the sedge is withered from the lake 縱然湖中之草 都已枯敗
And no birds sing 縱然鳥兒 也匿聲了

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