法國薰衣草 (熱門博主)
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[歌劇] \'When I am laid in earth\'- Dido and Aeneas, by Purcell

(2009-07-13 01:50:47) 下一個

[ Dido and Aeneas ] opera, Z. 626

Recitativo: "Thy hand, belinda"
Aria: "When I am laid in earth"
Emma Kirkby (soprano / Dido)
Taverner Players
Andrew Parrott (conductor)

Janet Baker, Dido and Aeneas de Purcell, Aix 1978

Thy hand, Belinda... When I am laid in earth Lyrics by Purcell, Henry(1659~1695)

Thy hand Belinda, darkness shades me, on thy bosom let me rest. More I would but death invades me, death is now a welcome guest. When I am laid, am laid in earth, may my wrongs create no trouble, no trouble in thy breast. When I am laid, am laid in earth, may my wrongs create no trouble, no trouble in thy breast. Remember me, remember me, but, ah, forget my fate. Remember me but, ah, forget my fate. Remember me, remember me, but, ah, forget my fate. Remember me, but, ah, forget my fate.

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