簡介: 一個擅長作曲,製作,鍵盤演奏的老一輩新世紀音樂家Michael Hoppé (麥克爾.霍普),也許人們不是很常見到他,但他卻是許多著名藝人的幕後策劃製作者,由此也捧紅了許多音樂人,其中經其慧眼識得重點培養的大牌人物有Jean-Michael Jarre,Vangelis,以及喜多郎。他所參與創作製作的音樂常具有耐人尋味的古典氣息,令人在不自覺中深受其感動。他與Tim Wheater合作的專輯《The Yearning》是如此,與Martin Tillman合作的大提琴專輯《The Poet - Romances For Cello)》(詩人)亦是如此。 本專輯中的大提琴手是Martin Tillman,大提琴家、作曲家,來自瑞士蘇黎世,古典音樂出身,也跟B.B.King、Beck、Tracy Chapman同台演出過。在《沉默的羔羊II》的配樂中綻現風采,接著參與《珍珠港》、《黑鷹計劃》、《太陽淚》等多部電影音樂的創作與演奏。
To An Athlete Dying Young 《致一位英年早逝的選手》 By A. E. Housman (1859-1936)
The time you won your town the race We chaired you through the market-place; Man and boy stood cheering by, And home we brought you shoulder-high. 昔日勇奪獎杯 人群將你包圍 城鎮歡呼喝彩 君在肩頭凱旋 To-day, the road all runners come, Shoulder-high we bring you home, And set you at your threshold down, Townsman of a stiller town. 今朝含悲而聚 抬君揮淚相送 輕輕歸於塵土 悲寂萬籟肅穆 Smart lad, to slip betimes away From fields were glory does not stay And early though the laurel grows It withers quicker than the rose. 生命如此短暫 榮耀為誰停留 月桂依然青翠 玫瑰盡已凋零 Eyes the shady night has shut Cannot see the record cut, And silence sounds no worse than cheers After earth has stopped the ears: 暗空如幕籠罩 記錄不再刷新 沉默替代歡呼 大地將君深埋 Now you will not swell the rout Of lads that wore their honours out, Runners whom renown outran And the name died before the man. 英姿永存不敗 強敵黯然褪色 後世縱有英雄 無人與君齊名 So set, before its echoes fade, The fleet foot on the sill of shade, And hold to the low lintel up The still-defended challenge-cup. 榮耀尚未消逝 君已踏上歸途 金色光芒閃耀 永恒冠軍之杯 And round that early-laurelled head Will flock to gaze the strengthless dead, And find unwithered on its curls The garland briefer than a girl's. 君戴月桂花環 眾友凝望遺容 小花點綴卷發 清雋麗如佳人
夏風的2句評論~~: 全詩翻譯得非常精彩,隻有最後一段感覺意思不夠確切,原詩意為: 曾經早早戴上桂冠的頭顱,如今卻這般了無生氣;可歎那卷發上的絢爛花環,比少女的青春還要短暫!