

Role Model Student

(2008-03-13 21:18:15) 下一個


昨天晚上吃飯,勞工說給大寶的老師發電子郵件時,順便提了一下大寶很喜歡學校和老師,謝謝老師辛勤教導等等 PMP 的話。結果老師回電子郵件時也客氣地說大寶在學校的表現不錯,是個 Role Model Student. 什末?我瞅了瞅旁邊的大寶,此刻正狼吞虎咽地往嘴裏扒飯,左看右看怎末也看不出他有 Role Model Student 的苗頭啊?大少爺每天下午回家後,比劃倆筆中文作業,彈一兩分鍾琴,就跟奶奶告假,騎著車到外麵海闊天空去了,不玩到天黑不知道回家, 昨天我到家都快六點了,還不見他老人家的身影,後來在鄰居印度人的家裏把他揪了出來,他正跟人家熱火朝天地玩遊戲呢。現在跟滿大街的小孩都混的奔兒熟,和他出去散步那可真是熱鬧,左一個“嗨! Ben! ”右一個“嗨 Joe! ”,誰家的小孩叫什末他弄得門清。可一回家連琴就露出本質了。專挑那容易上手的彈,全沒有了玩遊戲時的執著進取,知難而進,每練一首新曲子不知得花老爸老媽多少 PMP 的口舌。還有他那中文作業,多半都是在上中文學校前一天突擊完成的。大寶比以前有進步是真,可是離 Role Model Student 那可還是差了十萬八千裏。

說起 Role Model Student ,想起前一段時間看了篇報道采訪杜克大學畢業生 William Hwang 的事跡。小夥子獲得今年的 Rhodes Scholarship ,這項獎勵在全美 50 個州的應屆大學畢業生中篩選,隻發給 32 個申請人,克林頓總統以前就曾拿過這個獎,所以才能去牛津留學。 William Hwang 在本科期間非常優秀, triple major, 以全優的成績畢業。而最重要的是他幾年前創立了一個非盈利的組織,專門組織大學生誌願者去給生活貧窮的中學生教科學知識,讓他們也能得到教育,對科學產生興趣。你可以在對他的訪談中看出他的自信和對科學的執著,而且他不僅德育體全麵發展,還有一顆善良愛幫助人的心。 他才真正是  Role Model Student. 等少爺們長大了要好好兒向他們宣傳 William 的事跡。 以下的介紹摘自 http://www.rhodesscholar.org/

William L. Hwang

Degree: Duke University : B.S.E./ B.S./ B.S., Biomedical Engineering/ Electrical & Computer Engineering/ Physics, 2006
Proposed Oxford Subject: Condensed Matter Physics
Career Aspirations: Biomedical researcher; university professor; mentor for future generations of inquisitive leaers

An Angier B. Duke Scholar, Goldwater Scholar and President's Research Fellow, Billy Hwang's passion for research includes digital microfluidic biochips, stem-cell communication, swarm intelligence, buoyant flow fluid dynamics, and articular cartilage injuries. He designed a biomimetic arm to help children with TAR syndrome gain independence. An alumnus of the Lucent Global Science Scholars Program, the Research Science Institute, and the Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program, he has published 9 papers since 2001 and has received several honors for his work, including the Washington Academy of Science Outstanding Achievement in Research Award and Department of Navy Environmental Research awards. Billy is the co-editor-in-chief of Eruditio, the Duke Undergraduate Humanities Journal, and associate editor of Vertices, the Duke Undergraduate Journal of Science and Technology. Appointed 2005 Chief Student Marshal of the School of Engineering , he serves as vice-president of the Tau Beta Pi NC Gamma Chapter, and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Pi Sigma, and Phi Eta Sigma. Billy has a passion for volunteer work and co-founded United InnoWorks Academy , an educational non-profit organization with over 80 volunteer college students dedicated to developing innovative science and engineering programs free for middle-school students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Billy is a setter/outside hitter for the Duke Men's Volleyball Team (which won the 2004 Division IAA National Championship) and received numerous athletic accolades during his high school years. In addition, Billy held the position of first violinist in the Duke Symphony Orchestra as a freshman.

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