(2008-03-11 15:20:53)
9:00AMHi, Sweetie! Thinking of you. Have a Wonderful Day. Wish I was Kissing You. :-D
9:17AMHi, honey, r u back? Another beautiful day. Have a good one too. Kisses.
9:18AMyes. Lat last night. will send pic. do you want to get together this weekend before I go?
9:25AMWhere r u going? Mexico?
9:28AMAsia, brazil Europe? I just left my job Sat. did I tell you?
9:35AMyes..... didn't konw r u going world tour. :-[
9:34AMJust decided. Leave Mon...
10:13AMI can take off a week or so between 3/23 and 4/5. Spring break. Otherwise in summer or fall.Honey, I'd love to be on the go, with u, thuogh I don't have all the flexibility with a job and a child. :-) XOXO9:40AMCan you get any time off nex couple of months for trip?
10:20AMHoney, can I call you?