大號螞蟻 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


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James David Vance, 1984, 

vice president of the United States, 

United States Senator from Ohio, 

United States Marine Corps.


James Michael Johnson, 1972,

Speaker of the United States House of Representatives,

Louisiana House of Representatives


Ronald Dion DeSantis, 1978,

Governor of Florida

United States House of Representatives 

United States Navy


Sarah Elizabeth Huckabee Sanders, 1982

Governor of Arkansas,

White House Press Secretary


Kristi Lynn Noem, 1971

Governor of South Dakota,

U.S. House of Representatives from South Dakota


Joshua David Hawley, 1979

United States Senator from Missouri,

Attorney General of Missouri


Katie Elizabeth Britt, 1982

United States Senator from Alabama


Thomas Bryant Cotton, 1977

United States Senator from Arkansas

U.S. House of Representatives from Arkansas

United States Army 


Eric Stephen Schmitt, 1975

United States Senator from Missouri


Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy, 1985


Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson, 1969


Benjamin Aaron Shapiro, 1984


Kari Lake Halperin, 1969


Tulsi Gabbard, 1981 (not republican yet)

U.S. House of Representatives from Hawaii



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HBW 回複 悄悄話 兩黨都與資本家有牽扯。共和黨的理念不死,新生代層出不窮,將引領美國走向未來。川普雖然是個有爭議的人物,但功不可沒;民主黨基本上被資本家完全馴化,充斥著兩麵派投機分子。民主黨人或家人們吃相難看,全被大眾看在眼裏。奧巴馬之後後繼無人,所以才把老拜登頂上。拜登算是最後一個台麵幹淨的領袖了。
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