

(2006-05-04 23:24:19) 下一個

"Good Is Good"

Good is good and bad is bad
You don’t know which one you had
She put your books out on the sidewalk
Now they’re blowing ‘round
They won’t help you when you’re down

Love’s on your list of things to do
To bring your good luck back to you
And if you think that everything’s unfair
Would you care if you’re the last one standing there

And everytime you hear the rolling thunder
You turn around before the lightening strikes
And does it ever make you stop and wonder
If all your good times pass you by

I don’t hold no mystery
But I can show you how to turn the key
Cause all I know is where I started
So downhearted
And that’s not where you want to be

And everytime you hear the rolling thunder
You turn around before the lightening strikes
And you could find a rock to crawl right under
If all your good times pass you by

When the day is done
And the world is sleeping
And the moon is on its way to shine
When your friends are gone
You thought were so worth keeping
You feel you don’t belong
And you don’t know why

And everytime you hear the rolling thunder
You turn around before the lightening strikes
And does it ever make you stop and wonder
If all your good times pass you by

When the day is done
And the world is sleeping
And the moon is on its way to shine
When your friends are gone
You thought were so worth keeping
You feel you don’t belong
Neither do I


作為當今主流流行搖滾樂壇最受歡迎的女歌手之一,今年已年過43歲的Sheryl Crow在2002年的專輯《C'mon, C'mon》推出時隔三年之後,終於發行了個人的第五張錄音室專輯《Wildflower》(野花)。本張新專輯發行首周以14萬張的銷量名列美國Billboard專輯榜的亞軍位置,與上張專輯《C'mon, C'mon》成績相同。

雖然從Sheryl Crow開始出道,並於1993年發行個人首張專輯《Tuesday Night Music Club》至今已經過去十二個年頭,但這位創作型的搖滾女星對樂迷的吸引力卻始終沒有改變。地球人都知道,如今的sheryl crow正在與七屆“環法車王”朗斯·阿姆斯特朗(Lance Armstrong)熱戀之中,而兩人已經在《Wildflower》發行的當月宣布訂婚。熱戀中的人往往都是甜蜜的,因此本張新作《Wildflower》中的大多數歌曲與crow的成名作《All I Wanna Do》以及另一首代表作《Everyday Is a Winding Road》相比,顯得更加的溫暖,抒情了。正如sheryl crow在專輯發行之前接受采訪時說的那樣,自己在《Wildflower》做的音樂就是像偶像尼爾·楊(Neil Young)經典專輯《Harvest》那樣的傳統的民謠搖滾。在sheryl crow的歌曲中,從來都不缺少動聽的音符和富有含義的歌詞。從專輯同名歌曲《Wildflower》的前奏和弦中,我們可以依稀看到Aerosmith經典名曲《Dream On》的影子;而在專輯當中最早發行的單曲《Good is Good》中,crow則闡述了她對當今日益發展的社會中日漸疏遠的人際關係這個問題的看法......


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