Fields of Gold 金色原野
By: Sting
You\'ll remember me when the west wind moves 你會將我記起
Upon the fields of barley 當西風吹拂麥地
You\'ll forget the sun in his jealous sky 你會忘懷太陽還懸在嫉妒的天空
As we walk in fields of gold 當我們漫步在泛金的原野裏

So she took her love 她帶著她的愛人
For to gaze awhile 凝視片刻
Upon the fields of barley 在這金色麥田
In his arms she fell as her hair came down 她傾倒在他的臂 彎秀發流淌
Among the fields of gold 在這泛金的原野裏

Will you stay with me, will you be my love 你能否陪伴我一起,能否做我的愛人
Among the fields of barley 在這麥地裏
We\'ll forget the sun in his jealous sky 我們將遺忘,太陽還懸在嫉妒的天空
As we lie in fields of gold 當我們躺在這泛金的原野
See the west wind move like a lover so 看那西風猶如情人
Upon the fields of barley 拂動麥地
Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth 親吻她的唇,感覺身體漂浮
Among the fields of gold 在泛金的原野裏
I never made promises lightly 我從不輕許諾言
And there have been some that I\'ve broken 盡管我曾經背棄誓言
But I swear in the days still left 但我發誓 有生之日
We\'ll walk in fields of gold 我們會漫步在泛金的原野裏
We\'ll walk in fields of gold 我們會漫步在泛金的原野裏
Many years have passed since those summer days 多年過去,那些夏日一去不複返
Among the fields of barley 在麥地裏
See the children run as the sun goes down 看孩子們奔跑夕陽沉落
Among the fields of gold 在泛金的原野裏
You\'ll remember me when the west wind moves 你會將我記起 當西風
Upon the fields of barley 吹拂過麥地
You can tell the sun in his jealous sky 太陽還懸掛在嫉妒的天空 你不妨向它講述
When we walked in fields of gold 當年我們怎樣漫步 在泛金的原野裏
When we walked in fields of gold 當年我們怎樣漫步 在泛金的原野裏
When we walked in fields of gold 當年我們怎樣漫步 在泛金的原野裏

傷感的歌或許隻有具有憂傷性格的人才能唱出。Eva Cassidy唱的
以前經常聽電台放,很touch. 終於清楚了。