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經文: 「常在我裡麵的,我也常在他裡麵,這人就多結果子。」(約翰福音十五:5)


Scripture: "He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit."—JOHN xv. 5.

        In this parable we see what the new life is, which the Lord promised His disciples for the work of the Holy Spirit. It clearly mirrors the life of faith.

        1. "Not fruit," "more fruit," "much fruit," "fruit that abides" (vs. 2, 8, 16): The one object of the life of faith is to bear much fruit to the glory of God the Father.

        2. Cleansing: v. 2. The indispensable cleansing through the Word that is sharper than a two-edged sword.

        3. "Abide in Me": Intimate, continuous fellowship.

        4. "I in you":  Divine indwelling through the Spirit.

        5. "Apart from Me ye can do nothing": Complete impotence, deep humility, constant dependence.

        6. "My words abide in you," "If ye keep My commandments ye shall abide in My love," "Ye are My friends, if ye do the things I command you": Indispensable obedience.

        7. "If My words abide in you, ye shall ask whatsoever ye will": Limitless confidence of faith.

        8. "It shall be done unto you":  Powerful answer to prayer.

        9. "Even as the Father hath loved Me, I also have loved you; abide ye in My love": Life through faith in Him that loved Me.

        10. "These things have I spoken unto you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be fulfilled": Joy full and abiding.

        11. "This is My commandment, that ye love one another, even as I have loved you": The new commandment kept through the power of Christ's love in our hearts.

        12. "I appointed you that your fruit should abide, that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in My name, He will give it you": The all-prevailing Name of Christ.

        This is the life Christ makes possible for us and works in us through the Holy Spirit. This is the life so sadly wanting in the Church and yet so indispensable. This is the life assured to childlike faith and obedience.
慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
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