在從中文學校回家的路上,兒子跟他妹妹在後座吵架。“你們給我閉嘴,如果我不能專心開車而撞車的話,我們全都會成為曆史。”我對他們威脅道。“不,我們不會成為曆史,因為沒有誰會把我們寫進去。” 兒子不緊不慢的說。“那我們會成為什麽?”我沒好氣地問。 “死肉!” 兒子回曰。
What will we be?
David and his sister were fighting in the back seat on the way home from Chinese school. “Stop guys! If I could not concentrate on driving and our car get crushed, we will all be history,” I yelled at them. “No, we won’t be history because no one will write about us,” said David. “So what will we be?” I asked angrily. “Dead meat.” David answered