

(2007-11-20 06:31:02) 下一個

送交者: xpt 2007年11月17日17:32:32 於 [教育與學術]http://www.bbsland.com


China has never been a land of justice and law. We know it too well and too long.I often cannot help but laughing at those who stayed abroad too long and missed Chinese food too much. They are talking going back to China. Those who are already in China would often say, this is your last (last to what?) opportunity to take some important positions in China; How fast China grows, and how easy to get rich. They created a rosy picture of a modern China where you can find money like finding, well, other Chinese on the street.

The truth is that China is getting rich, but at at the same also getting rotten! There has no trace in Chinese history to respect individual. Everyone is a piece in the gigantic machine called 國家, which became the worst under the communist rule since 1949. Sure, you can go back to China and get rich and occupy some important positions. But you are still a small pawn on the game board for the supreme CCP and the rulers. As long as you play the game as the CCP desires you to do, you will be rich and famous.

However, not everything including money and fame can help you if you are in collision with the rule and law in China - it is not designed for you, even you are rich and famous. It is designed for the everlasting rule of CCP!

If you do not believe me, take a look at this poor professor and his family. I am sure he has money and fame. But when he faced the powerful machine, nothing matters.

Be happy in China, my China-man, if you chose to be a pig.


November 17, 2007

安徽商報 2007-11-17 16:42:46
















就在尹方明被槍擊身亡的前兩天,也即11月11日,尹方明的奶奶在老家安徽省含山縣去世。據尹方明的堂弟介紹,在尹方明的奶奶去世後,他曾發手機短信給尹方明,告知其家中變故並希望尹方明能立即趕回。尹方明回複短信說,他暫時在廣州回不去,因為有一個很重要的同學從外地到廣州,而且還帶了同學父親的腦部X光片過來請自己診斷,不過表示在奶奶遺體火化前一定趕回老家,為奶奶送終。“可沒想到奶奶還沒安息,就傳來了哥哥這樣的噩耗。”尹方明的堂弟說, “如果沒有這次意外,哥哥在出事當天就應該會趕回老家的。”

尹方明的堂弟告訴記者,因為擔心已經80多歲的尹方明母親承受不了這種雙重打擊,家裏人都不敢將尹方明被槍擊身亡的噩耗告訴老太太,而且村裏每天安排人值班看護老太太。廣州發生警察槍擊醫院副教授的消息傳到含山後,尹方明母親便不斷撥打尹方明的手機,但總是打不通,於是就讓尹方明的堂弟給他打電話, “我們隻能瞞一天是一天”。

Have some courage to change, don\'t run away!!

送交者: netthing 2007年11月18日08:43:12 於 [教育與學術]http://www.bbsland.com
回 答: 我們要海歸到什麽一個國家? 由 xpt 於 2007年11月17日17:32:32:

For your English level, you\'ll still be an outsider in the USA or wherever you are. Because, after years of studying overseas, your capability of mastering a language is still very poor. That means, you won\'t fit in anywhere except China!! But, but, you think you are too good for China!

The first thing I learn from the western philosophy, is the way of thinking, not the way of doing things. You could get all the doctor\'s degrees or titles you want, but if you don\'t change the way of thinking, you are just a bookworm. Look at all the made in China labels all over the world, how many of them are invented/created by Chinese from nuts & bolts? The way the CCP is thinking, till this day, is still take not think! Russians already dumped Marx.... and all the failure philosophies, Chinese (majority) are still enbracing it like a treasure. How pathetic! We have to dump the communist philosophy right away to make the country better.

From the first day The CCP was established, the philosophy is to take. Take the Marx\'s stupid ideas - against the human nature, to fool Chinese as great imports. Take the rich to feed the people, namely just the party members. Back then, Sun Zhong Shan\'s ideas are being labeled as old, conservative, and stupid! But look at China, how many things our great Party ever invent or create? The CCP took the brightest minds from GuoMinDang to topple ChiangKaiShek\'s ruling, took over a young Republic in the name of People. The CCP took (I should say fooled) the best generals from ChiangKaiShek to defeat the counter-revolutionist, whoever is not the in-crowd. CCP did not contribute in changing China from royal family to a republic. Mao copied everything from Russia, from philosophies, political systems, government strutures, industries, weapons, agricultures... to the Three Gorges Dam. (some strutures inherit from GuoMinDang) Our great fighter J-10 is still powered by foreign jet engine! CCP don\'t know how to build one after almost 60 years of ruling. The ShenZhou space technology we bragged about is an old Russian technology we copied a while ago. Our astronauts are still being trained by Russians. I can go on and on for years to criticize the China today. We simply have no independent technologies at all!!

Back to the strength of modern western philosophies, if there\'s problem, there\'s a solution. Instead of running away from problems, or sitting there feeling good about yourselves, how do we solve all these problems? Where do we begin? How? to change what?

The Communist philosophy poisoned people\'s mind too deep, people don\'t even know how to think for themselves, they just want to survive in the existing systems or just take. Be a Rationalist like Descartes, I think, therefore I am, prove your existence, THINK! Be an independent thinker, a real Chinese thinker!

Has there been a real Chinese thinker?

送交者: xpt 2007年11月18日09:17:19 於 [教育與學術]http://www.bbsland.com
回 答: Have some courage to change, don\'t run away!! 由 netthing 於 2007年11月18日08:43:12:

I liked your self-assurance, at least in pointing out the errors in my writing which was done in 5 minutes. I will go back to China though, eventually, not for the reason of my English. THak you for liting up my path.

I found many misunderstanding in your writing.

1. Marxism is an economic theory, not a political guide for setting a government. It was others who hijacked this idea and turned it into a political ideology.

2. Sun Yet-san (not Sun Zhong Shang) could only go that far due to his limitations. In his later years, his own confusion about where China should go led to the rise of communism and CCP!

3. For some reason, you sound like riding on a very high horse. It sounds very familiar - have we had this from CCP?

Come donw please. A good English with perfect grammar but little content is like a walking-talking zombie.

4. The rest of your ranting about technology and J-10 sounds out of context.

Again, can you provide any solution or suggestion?

送交者: netthing 2007年11月19日00:22:53 於 [教育與學術]http://www.bbsland.com
回 答: Has there been a real Chinese thinker? 由 xpt 於 2007年11月18日09:17:19:

Same here, typing in 5 minutes to enlighten the forum, my intention is not to argue or to fight with anyone. So, leave the personal attack out of this, let\'s move on.

In no way I am supporting CCP. Ever since CCP ruled China, every Chinese start thinking the way Mao want us to think. We grow up in a so called philosophy, self-centered ideology, which led us nowhere. We dumped everything we used to believe and faithfully followed Mao. After we opened the door to the rest of the world in the 70\'s, we found the world is not what we are told. So we change everything.

First, we thought CCP will let us change China\'s political environment. Students & scholars start to talk about the democracy and freedom, any kind of freedom. They went so far and totally forgot about the majority of Chinese - farmers, don\'t understand the benefits of democracy & freedom. Students are so naive, they copied the Statue of Liberty to symbolize the democracy movement, but not the spirit. CCP never teach them how to think independently. They don\'t judge the situation back then to seek the possibilities of small steps. We think exactly like CCP want us to be, don\'t care about the past. Just like Da Ming Da Fang, the movement is crushed.

Second, we start working hard, making money any way we want. We thought that is the true capitalism. Wrong again. After few hundreds years of capitalism, the western world already xxxxed an aliance, or partnership between industries. And there are some principles they follow so they will stay in the boundry to achieve a harmony, a win-win situation. But China is just like a naughty boy, jumping into the ring start turning everything upside down with cut-thoat method to squeeze out every single penny the world has. Again, CCP taught us to aliance with secondary enemy to fight the major enemy. This gives us nothing but enemies.

There are a lot more misteps we made, and we can\'t help but keep making mistakes. Why? Because after we stayed away from the true communism, we just don\'t know how to approach a different way of thinking. We are situated in a state of vacuum, nothing to follow. We don\'t have the environment to appreciate the freedom or democracy. CCP won\'t let us. We don\'t have a basic understanding of respect, respecting other people\'s dignity, respect other people\'s opinions. We just don\'t respect the differences. We polarize everything - if you are not with me, you are against me. All we know is simply hate & kill, everything is a battle. (in various ways)

We have seen a lot of rich people in China. Why aren\'t they being respected by other industrial countrie\'s counterparts? Most Chinese new rich class don\'t feed back to the society they took the rivch from. All they know is take. They don\'t have class! With communism\'s philosophy, we just know how to take. We don\'t know how to share, we don\'t know how to give, therefore we fail to create or think. Taking is much easier!

As you point out the examples of our society problems, do you have any suggestion besides calling people pig? Solution may be not so easy to come by all by yourself, but would you start thinking for China? I don\'t think I\'m so much better than other Chinese, just luckier. But I have been thinking how to change China, in a good way - change the education.


送交者: xpt 2007年11月19日06:26:11 於 [教育與學術]http://www.bbsland.com
回 答: Again, can you provide any solution or suggestion? 由 netthing 於 2007年11月19日00:22:53:

(1) There must be some people, learned people, who take the responsibility to set examples for right moral conduct and professionalism.

All politicians are already corrupted, from the top to the bottom. All businessmen are soaked with blood in their hands. All scholars and professors are busy making money and becoming politicians...

(2) The ordinary people must learn and be aware that they have the God given right of living and be free.

Chinese are known to rather live like a pig happily than live free like an eagle. This must change.

(3) The government must be elected by the people, including the highest ranking officials.

This is the only way that people can see what the people they are, and how they do to the people.

(4) CCP must step down, or become one of the parties competing for the votes from the people. It must not have the God given status to rule China.

(5) There must be a strict law enforcement in China that are free of corruption and independent.

(6) The military must be independent of the CCP. It is a government branch not CCP\'s arms and legs.

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