My View of the World Around Me

My own short stories. Some are real and some are fiction.


(2021-04-05 19:57:48) 下一個
以前我沒法想像我會為一隻流浪貓傷心淚淚。新冠年四月在家上班,我在後院看到一隻又老又瘦,左眼受傷流水的貓。我開給她喂貓食, 還會跟她喵來喵去。她變得越來越健康和有活力, 眼睛也好了。有一天在我們喵喵的對話中她慢慢地倒地, 滾到一邊,亮出肚皮。那一刻我明白她把我當朋友了,亮肚皮成了我們的遊戲。每天早上我拉開後院的落地白葉窗。她已經蹲在窗外朝裏麵看。我在院子裏幹活,她跑來跑去抓壁虎。我Meditate, 她蹲在另外一個椅子上打盹兒。大·約一年,她不吃貓吃,連零食也不怎麽吃。我感覺那一天快到了。最後一跟我道別,她離開時一步三回頭。先是躺在我後院門口閉著眼睛,我抓抓她的頭,揉揉她的背和肚皮。她慢慢起來,緩緩走到後院台階下,躺下,閉上眼睛。 我抓抓她的頭,揉揉她的背和肚皮。她又慢慢起來,緩緩走到後院牆邊,躺下,閉上眼睛。我又抓抓她的頭,揉揉她的背和肚皮。 她又慢慢起來,緩緩走到院牆外麵。消失在黑夜裏。從此她再也沒有到我後院來。
最近剛好看完 “人生十二法則”。 作者說,沒有限度就沒有故事,沒有故事就沒有生靈。這隻流浪貓留下了一個美麗的故事。
One year ago I couldn't imagine that I would cry for a tray cat. This is her story. Last year on April, I found an old skinny cat in my backyard, who’s left eye was injured and drooping pinkish liquid. I started feeding her  and interacting with her. She was getting better and heathier. One day in the middle of our meow meow conversation she rolled on her back and opened her belly. In that moment, I knew we were officially friends and that became our game. In the last a few weeks she had lost her appetite. In the end she even didn't eat the cat treats, she used to run for it. I sensed the day is approaching. Last time I saw her was one week ago. She was laying on my doorstep and eyes closed. I was scratching her head, back and belly. We did that twice more: in my backyard, and later near the fence. That was the last time I saw her. I miss seeing her when I open my backyard blinds in the morning; I miss seeing her chasing lizards, miss seeing her hiding under small tree and watching the birds; I miss seeing her napping on the chair next to me when I’m meditating.
I just finished Jordan Peterson’s book “12 Rules of Life”. He said: no limit, no story; no story no being. In her limited life she left a beautiful story.

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