M'appari tutt''amor, il mio sguatdo l'incontro: bella si che il mio cor, ansioso a lei volo: mi feri, m'invaghi quell'angelica belta, sculta in cor dall'amor cancellarsi non potra: il pensier di poter palpitar con lei d'amor, puo sopir il martir che m'affana e stranzia il cor. M'appari tutt'amor, il mio sguardo l'incontro; bella si che il mio cor ansioso a lei volo; Marta, Marta, tu sparisti e il mio cor col tuo n'ando! Tu la pace mi rapisti, di dolor io moriro.
"Mappari, 一見鍾情"
ENGLISH TRANSLATION She appeared to me, purest of love, 在我眼裏, 她是愛神的化身, I discovered with my eyes this vision of delight. 美麗的光芒 。 Lovely was she, that my hungry heart, in a snap, to her did fly. 她這麽可愛,我心迅無它屬。 I was hurt, I was charmed by that beauty from above. 美麗象天使,我隻能仆仆仰望。 Love is etched in my heart, and cannot now be erased. 愛情油然而生, The mere thought that our hearts 幻想兩顆心, with sweet love might beat as one 為了愛情一起跳動。 is enough to forget all the sorrow that fills my heart. 我心不再悲哀。
She appeared to me, purest of love. 啊,她是愛情的化身 I discovered with my eyes this vision of delight. 她是美麗的象征 Lovely was she, that my hungry heart, in a snap to her did fly. 你這樣可愛,我心一瞬屬於你 Marta, Marta, you have left me, 瑪莎, 瑪莎,你離開了我。 and my heart with yours has vanished. 讓我失魂落魄 Peace and quiet, gone now forever, I will surely die of pain. 你攪亂了我平靜的生活。