
“你是條龍, 到哪都是條龍”“你是條蟲, 在講也是蟲”‘學會好武藝, HUO (賣)於帝王家”兄弟要齊心, 小了, 齊家, 大了, 安邦.

2008年4月24日 芝加哥 平抗議集會

(2008-04-20 10:10:12) 下一個
2008年4月24日 芝加哥 平抗議集會


1>我有中文, 英文的發起函, 及已經設計好的圖片文件擺出事實. 如果需要, 請QQH我你的電子郵件, 我會盡快發給你.

2> 屆時大家都會忙. 但我也會準時到場. 希望見到好朋友們)

3> 直接在GOOGLE打出, Dearborn Plaza, Chicago, 其地圖功能可以直接指出所在位置.

4> 時間是, 中午, 12點到下午兩點.




集會時間:2008年4月24日 (周四)下午12:00至2:00
集會地點: 芝加哥市中心Dearborn/Jackson Plaza (230 S. Dearborn, Chicago)

正當全世界華僑華人滿懷熱情和期望迎接北京奧運,實現百年夢想時, 西方媒體以前所未有的偏見對西藏拉薩的騷亂進行歪曲報道,在西方社會挑起抵製北京奧運風潮,阻擾奧運火炬順利傳遞,嚴重傷害了中國人的尊嚴和感情, 使海外華人義憤填膺。西方媒體完全喪失“公正,客觀”的新聞職業道德,不顧全世界華人的抗議,反複借用尼泊爾和印度警察毆打驅趕示威喇嘛的照片和錄像誤導輿論,欺騙公眾,以醜化詆毀中國,抹黑抵製北京奧運會。他們對全世界華人盼望支持北京奧運會的真摯熱情熟視無睹,卻用偏袒甚至縱容的態度,片麵誇大報道各種反華勢力試圖阻截破壞奧運火炬全球傳遞的種種醜惡表演。當全世界的華人為火炬手金晶在巴黎街頭用她殘疾單薄的身軀護衛奧運火炬不受侵犯而感動流淚,對法國警察嚴重失職,使暴徒得以襲擊這個坐在輪椅上瘦弱無助的女孩子表示無比憤怒的時候,有的西方電視台主持竟情不自禁地發出幸災樂禍的笑聲。更有甚者,CNN節目主持人Jack Cafferty在評論海外華僑華人走上街頭,力挺北京奧運會和聲援奧運火炬安全傳遞時,竟使用種族仇恨的惡毒語言攻擊,大罵中國人“基本上還是那幫過去五十年一成不變的傻瓜和惡棍(basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years.)”!

是可忍孰不可忍?為了抗議CNN和西方媒體對西藏暴亂的不公正和歪曲報道,為了反擊CNN對全體華人的公然侮辱,為了發出被西方媒體故意忽略不計華人的聲音,為了全體華人的正當權益和聲譽不被進一步侵犯和蹂躪,芝加哥各大學學生會和華人社團聯合發起,於2008年4月24日下午12:00至2:00在芝加哥市中心的Dearborn/Jackson Plaza (230 S. Dearborn, Chicago) 舉行和平抗議集會和揭露西方媒體歪曲報道的圖片展示。希望大家相互轉告,積極參與,向美國公眾宣傳事實真相,反對奧運政治化,發出海外華人的共同強音。

(另外,針對Jack Cafferty的仇華言論,美國華人已經在網上發起聯合簽名活動,要求CNN道歉。截至2008年4月18日,已經有超過101,000人簽名留言。簽名網址:http://www.petitiononline.com/cnncaff/petition.html)





Rally for Beijing Olympics Protest against media distortion
Here is what we have to say…

We are here because we have been infuriated and sick of the biased and distorted media coverage of the Tibet riots. We are here because CNN and other media have chosen to use falsified reports and a misinformed Tibet to politicize Beijing Olympics and poured fuel on unjustified China-bashing flames. We are here because we want the truth to be told and heard. We are here because our voice and frustration can nowhere be represented or channeled. We are here to protest rampant media prejudice which led to CNN anchor’s racist hatred remarks against Chinese people.

If beating, looting and arson ran amok on the streets of any U.S. cities, would such crimes be tolerated? Would a police crackdown not be justified? Would media still sympathize with the violent lawbreakers? What happened in Lhasa on March 14 was NOT a peaceful protest but violence against civilians and public safety. The Economist’s James Miles and other Western tourists from Finland and Canada witnessed and reported the horrified crimes in Lhasa. But sadly, their candid voices have been drowned out in a frenzied media fanfare of uncorroborated accusations and condemns against China.

Without credible evidence to support their harsh criticism, CNN and other media repeatedly used pictures and video clips of Nepalese and Indian police beating protesting monks as proof of China’s brutality (please see our photo collections on-the-spot and more on anti-cnn.com). We have been wondering loudly, where is the objectivity and fairness CNN claims to respect? Where are the basic professional decency and ethics of truth telling CNN and all media should cling to?

CNN and other media have closed the eyes to the passionate support of Olympics by the Chinese people around the world while tripping over each other in enthusiasm to shed light on all the attempts to disrupt the Olympic torch relay, a symbol of peace and friendship. The publicized images of attacks by “peaceful” protesters against a handicapped torch bearer in a wheelchair in Paris are not a shame to China, but a shame to all mankind who failed to protect her. CNN’s prejudice crossed the line when its anchor, Jack Cafferty, viciously denigrated the Chinese people as “basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years”, which has set off a massive on-line petition, 102,000 strong as of April 18, to demand an apology.

Simply put, Tibet has been part of China since Yuan Dynasty for over 700 years. It’s shortsighted and blind for CNN and the media to take on cold war mentalities and stereotyped ideological tactics to demonize a dramatically transformed China. We are here to appeal CNN and the media to stop peddling lies and distortion to mislead the public or risk losing all credibility and trust of people.

Thank you for kindly listening to our voice.

At Dearborn Plaza in downtown Chicago on April 24, 2008

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