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  • 博客訪問:

曆屆美國總統競選口號 (Slogans)

(2024-11-24 16:22:39) 下一個

1864年, Abraham Lincoln:      內戰尚未結束,美國被劃分為南北二部分,林肯總統的競選口號: 不要在中途換馬. Don’t swap horses in the middle of the stream.

1869 Ulysses S. Grant:      讓我們擁有和平.  Let’s Have Peace.

1884 Grover Cleveland:     布萊恩,布萊恩,詹姆斯·G·布萊恩,緬因州大陸騙子.
  Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine, The Continental Liar from the State of Maine .

In 1896, William McKinley:    愛國,保護和繁榮. Patriotism, Protection, and Prosperity.
 1900 William Mckinley:  滿滿一桶晚餐.  A full Dinner Pail.
 1916, Woodrow Wilson:   他使我們遠離戰爭.  He kept us out of the war.
1928, Herbert Hoover:    鍋裏有雞,車庫裏有車.     A Chicken in Every Pot, and a Car in Every Garage.
1932,  Franklin Roosevelt:    快樂的日子又來了. Happy days are here again.
1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower: 我喜歡Ike. (Ike 是艾森豪威爾的呢稱).  I like Ike.
1964, Barry Goldwater:   你心裏知道他是對的. In your heart you know he is right.
1968, Richard Nixon:      選尼克鬆。Nixon’s the one.
1976, Gerald Ford,    他再次讓我們感到驕傲.  He made us proud again.
1980, Ronald Reagan:    讓美國再次偉大. Let’s Make America Great Again.
             你比四年前過得好嗎?  Are you better off than you were four years ago?
1984, Ronald Reagan:     美國又到了早晨。It’s morning again in American.

1988, George Bush:      善良溫和的民族.    A Kinder, Gentler Nation.

1992, Bill Clinton,   不要停止思考明天.     Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow.
                             以人為本.  Putting people first.
1996, Bill Clinton:  建設通往二十一世紀的橋梁.     Building a Bridge to the 21st Century.

2000, George W. Bush:  不讓任何孩子掉隊. Leave no child behind.
        為真實的人製定真實的計劃. Real plan for real people.
2004, George W. Bush:    是的,美國可以.     Yes, American can.     
2008,  Barack Obama:     是, 我們可以。 希望。Yes, we can.    Hope.
2012    Barack Obama:   向前. Forward.

2012,  Mitt Rommey:    相信美國.     Believe in America.
2016, Donald Trump:       讓美國再次偉大.    Make America Great Again.

2016, Hillary Clinton:        我和她在一起. 團結一致 共同發展. I am with her. Strong together.




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