
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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I bought the Bible

(2005-09-27 09:00:45) 下一個

The wine Bible ~~ to be exact. : )

Quite a volume! I cracked it open last night and it's entertaining! Here's the tidbit I learned yesterday: when you start your wine-tasting "journey", you should first locate a good liquor store. It should be neither a huge impersonal discount store nor a nose-up-in-the-air snob boutique. It has to be a friendly store with a good taste. Preferrably a store that has its own newsletter. [Well well well, aren't we easy-going? ; )]

Further, to determine what kind of wine you like, you need to do the red/white 4-bottle-in-a-row per type kind of deal. (sorry too lazy to type - please let your imagination to fill in the gaps... )

The other book I bought has a provocative title:

I regretted immediately after I bought the book. Who am I kidding? I can't bake. I don't bake. BUT maybe this is a sign that I should start baking? Hmmmm I wonder.

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