
學兩個詞:threads & load up on

(2007-12-16 11:33:44) 下一個

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今天Larry和Li Hua下課以後一起去吃午飯,Li Hua會學到兩個常用語:threads和load up。

(campus noise)

LL: Hey, Li Hua, those are nice threads you\'re wearing.

LH: Threads? - 那不是縫衣服用的線嗎?哎喲,Larry, 你是說我的連衣裙開線了嗎?

LL: No, no. Threads, when used in plural, is another word for clothes. I was just telling you that you are wearing nice clothes.

LH: 噢,原來thread用作複數--threads,就可以代表衣服。這倒挺合理的,因為衣服就是用線織成的嘛!你剛才說these are nice threads, 原來是誇我的連衣裙漂亮啊!

LL: That\'s right!

LH: 謝謝你,Larry, 其實,這件連衣裙挺舊的了。 Larry,要是我說一件衣服,是不是要用單數thread?

LL: No. It\'s always threads. I think that\'s because even one piece of clothing is made of many threads.

LH: 說得也是,即使一件衣服,也是用很多很多線做成的,所以,還是要用複數 - threads.

LL: So, Li Hua, let me test you. If I say, I went shopping yesterday and bought lots of threads, what does that mean?

LH: 這麽簡單的句子,還要考我。你是說我昨天買了很多衣服。Larry,你真的買了好多衣服呀?

LL:No, I was just giving you an example. I don\'t go shopping for threads.


LL: What\'s wrong with the threads I\'m wearing? Oh, please, Li Hua, my threads are just fine -- Jeans and T-shirt are comfortable.


(cafeteria sound)

LL:Hey, not many people in the cafeteria. That\'s the benefit of coming late.

LH: 來晚了人少是沒錯,但是好東西可能也都給吃完了。哎,Larry, 我知道你餓了,可是你也不能一下子拿那麽多嘛,你吃得完嗎?

LL: I won\'t have time to eat dinner until late, so I\'m trying to load up on food now.

LH: 噢,今天你晚飯要很晚才能吃,可是,你說什麽 - load up on food? 那是什麽意思啊?

LL: To load, load up on something is to get a lot of it, usually so that you can store some of it for later.

LH: 噢,我明白了。你是想午飯多吃點,晚上就不會太餓了。哎,Larry, 除了說吃的東西,load up on還可以用在別的地方嗎?

LL: Of course. Do you remember the storm we had last summer? Well, people were worried about losing power, so they loaded up on batteries before the storm.

LH: 去年夏天的那場暴風雨呀?我當然記得。就是啊,當時大家特別擔心停電,所以買了好多電池 - We loaded up on batteries.

LL: Yup. Also, Li Hua, we can load up on sleep, too.

LH: 噢,除了可以說load up on food, load up on batteries, 我們還可以說load up on sleep, 意思是多睡覺、多休息。

LL: If you load up on sleep and vitamins, you shouldn\'t get sick very easily.

LH: 是沒錯,多休息、多吃維生素,我們就不容易生病了,哇,Larry, 我看你裝了整整兩盤菜啊,要是我像你這樣load up on food,我肯定早就發胖了。

LL: All right, Li Hua, what are you trying to say? You know I don\'t load up on food like this everyday!


今天李華從Larry那兒學到兩個常用語。一個是threads, 在口語裏表示衣服。另一個是load up on something, 意思是大量儲存某樣東西,比如load up on food, 就表示吃得很多。

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