
方顯英雄本色-- 股市投資探討

對今天市場反應的看法 (10/13/08)

(2008-10-13 21:51:35) 下一個
       今天的我們又一次見證了曆史。 2008 年真是一個創造曆史的年頭。 三大指數都漲了 11%- 12%。
今天反彈的力度的確是比估計得要強烈。兩天的漲幅一天就走完了。不過相對 -30% 的跌幅,這也不算過分。 創造曆史的漲幅常常出現在熊市。 大盤連跌七天,給反彈積累了大量的彈藥,極度的超賣在周五前已經維持了好幾天。但超賣本身,並不一定引起反彈,隻有在有了觸發的條件下,才會引爆反彈。FED 向 bank 直接注資,以及周末歐共體就聯合行動救市計劃達成協議,並定下可以利用多達 3.2 萬億的Euro 資金用於救市計劃,成了這樣的導火索,引爆了周一的大反彈。

很清楚,今天的空頭,是推動今天大反彈的主要動力。從上周五到今天,S&P 反彈了 18%,平了 1931 年的反彈紀錄。明天大盤會繼續升勢,繼續逼空倉,但幅度要小的多。由於 S&P 有效突破 970,它就變為支撐。 S&P 上看 1050。

不過,對多頭來講,不要過分解讀今天的 Rally, 這是極度超賣後反彈,大盤下降的趨勢並沒有改變。因此要注意風險控製,適時套利。不要輕易下到底的結論。我們畢竟還在熊市,仍何熊市的 Rally 都 tend to fade out.  尤其是像今天這樣的漲幅是太多,太快了,往往不能持續。 事實上,在今天的尾盤,我已經賣掉了全部上周五建的多倉。 

我還是傾向於這個反彈還是 Wave 3-3 的一部分,周五的大量和高 VIX value, 預示著短期的拐點,但是要趨勢持續,還需要回探打底,正式結束 wave 3-3, 並開始反彈波 Wave 3-4. 因此,周三開始,市場可能會回探,不過不會創新低了。 另一個重要因素是看明天  TED Spread  是否明顯減低。Credit Market 是否被打開。 

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閱讀 ()評論 (17)
Alwaysblance 回複 悄悄話 Hi, but look at uyg's chart and volume, it doesn't look like it will go down. What do you think? Thx!
airways 回複 悄悄話 回複wavePlayer的評論:

airways 回複 悄悄話 回複wavePlayer的評論:
wavePlayer 回複 悄悄話 回複Alwaysblance的評論:sure. you can hold for few days

Alwaysblance 回複 悄悄話 回複wavePlayer的評論:I bot at $115. Get up late. Please keep me posted as when to sell. Thx a million.
orange2007 回複 悄悄話 回複wavePlayer的評論:
thanks for sharing your trading with us.
wavePlayer 回複 悄悄話 回複airways的評論:If you talk about SKF, Sell 120c at $7 to lower you cost to $109 so you do not need to worry about it. It's just a few days away.

By the way $116 is not good entry points. It's easy to buy at open. I bot SKF at $107, and sold 120c at $9
so the cost down to $98. So this will make you confortable to hold it.
airways 回複 悄悄話 I bot at $116 coz zecco was down in the morning.
So keep it through this week?
airways 回複 悄悄話 回複wavePlayer的評論:
wavePlayer 回複 悄悄話 回複Alwaysblance的評論: This morning is good time to buy
SKF. did you bot it? I bot.
wavePlayer 回複 悄悄話 回複mojoe的評論: here is the link:

TED spread = 3 month libor rate - 3 month treasury note
today TED spread is 4.31 still very high
mojoe 回複 悄悄話 How and where can we get real time TED spread information? Thank you for sharing with us your market analysis!
Alwaysblance 回複 悄悄話 I think uyg will run up at least to $13-$14, then turn around. Enter skf at that point. Will see. Thanks for the reply!
wavePlayer 回複 悄悄話 回複Alwaysblance的評論: You can get better price on SKF tomorrow. I think below 120 will ok for short term entry point; GLD is right one for gold.
Alwaysblance 回複 悄悄話 Thanks a lot for the post. SKF is $123 now, time to load? Also, what to buy for gold index, fund or ETF? Is GLD the right one? Thanks again!