
方顯英雄本色-- 股市投資探討

UYG Play Closed ( 9/22/08)

(2008-09-22 18:19:34) 下一個
  After second thought about showing UYG play,  I decided to close this thread.

Even I have very detail plan for every market move,  it is still involve a good deal of risks. It is also required some skill  and experience in option trading  and market timing which is not suitable to new hands.  In addition,  selling naked puts required option level III qualification.  If you don't know the risk and use this to other stocks, you may face a great risks by selling naked put.

If a  example can not be duplicated, and can not benefit for most of people, only a few people can handle it, it will be no meaning to post here.

Sorry for all of you who want to learn.  This may not be a proper example.  To avoid confusion and misleading, I have to close it.  I may think some other investment ideas which will be more suitable for the vast majority of viewers.

Thanks for you attention,

And Good Luck to you trade!

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閱讀 ()評論 (10)
陽光三月 回複 悄悄話 can you comment on where financial stocks are heading? are they stablizing in the near term?
new88 回複 悄悄話 每次看老大的文章都深受啟發,感謝老大.
waveplayer 回複 悄悄話 回複caimixiaopang的評論:不會,不過,後幾天會非常忙,會來的少了。
st-watcher 回複 悄悄話 Althought you close the specific play, please keep posting your comments on overall markets!
st-watcher 回複 悄悄話 You are resposible person, Ding.
caimixiaopang 回複 悄悄話 關於市場的評論也會關掉嗎?
具體怎麽做不說我很支持, 如果有人隻是follow而不是自己思考, 那不僅危險而且長期對他們也隻有壞處。
wavePlayer 回複 悄悄話 回複Xiaoliangou的評論:說的是,還是小心為好。
wavePlayer 回複 悄悄話 回複SAR的評論:還是怕有人誤用,走火入魔,造成損失。
SAR 回複 悄悄話 you can put warning to new hands "don't follow", if it don't not take too much of your time to post. thanks!
Xiaoliangou 回複 悄悄話 謝謝WavePlayer的一片好意!