
美國猶太人 Jewish quota:猶太人後裔現身說法再談種族歧視 zt

(2017-08-04 09:26:11) 下一個

Jewish quota was a type of racial quota stipulating a certain set percentage that limited the number of Jews in various establishments. In particular, in 19th and 20th centuries some countries had Jewish quotas for higher education, a special case of Numerus clausus.


According to historian David Oshinsky, on writing about Jonas Salk, "Most of the surrounding medical schools (CornellColumbiaPennsylvania, and Yale) had rigid quotas in place.  Jews who wanted an education used various ways to overcome this discrimination: bribing the authorities, changing their religion, or traveling to countries without such limitations.


The limitation took the form of total prohibition of Jewish students, or of limiting the number of Jewish students so that their share in the students' population would not be larger than their share in the general population. 

在美國,反猶主義也有一定的影響。19世紀晚期到20世紀早期,成千上萬的猶太人試圖逃離歐洲的反猶大暴亂。他們從波羅的海和北港口坐船離開,主要去往愛麗絲島和紐約[87]利奧·羅斯頓(Leo Rosten)在他的《猶太人的哀樂》中曾寫道,猶太人一坐船離開,就受到了來自港口移民局的歧視。當提到猶太人時,他們會用“猶太佬”(kike)這個具有貶損意味的詞(因為猶太人通常不會寫字,所以在簽移民文件時,他們會用一個代替——而在意第緒語中,kike就是“”的意思)。從20世紀10年代開始,南方猶太群體就受到了3K黨的攻擊,3K黨反對猶太移民,在他們的宣傳中,他們通常會用到”猶太銀行家“。







記得我十五,六歲的時候,我和父親及父親的朋友一起去打獵。一天晚上,在我們的帳篷裏,所有的大人們都在談論他們在第二次世界大戰和德國集中營時期的經曆。令人驚詫地是,他們中大部分人居然對納粹殺害猶太人的事情並沒有介意。他們萬萬沒有想到,他們自己身邊的好朋友,同事,我的父親,就是一個猶太人。對他們來講,他就是ROY。如果他繼續保留他原來的姓氏“Schienermann,他們可能能猜到他是猶太人。但是,我的家族近100年前就放棄了那個家族姓氏以便更 “美國化”。






19962006十年間,有所美國大學--康奈爾大學就有21件學生自殺案。 (http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/usa/2009-10/19/content_11005682.htm ) 21個自殺的學生中,13個是亞裔!亞裔學生隻有全校學生總數的百分之十四,但是自殺率卻是百分之四十!為什麽?我不認為亞裔比其他族裔更頻繁自殺。他們自殺是因為受到同事的壓力。



1.      享受社會福利的是黑人多還是白人更多?

2.      享用食物券的黑人多還是白人多?

3.      如果你擁有一家公司,收到一份簡曆,上麵的姓氏是 Lateka”, 你會打電話叫那個人來麵試嗎?

4.      犯有同樣罪,獲死刑的是黑人多,還是白人多?




(原文                         THE MATHEMATICS OF RACISM



I am  surprised by many of the comments posted regarding the first article – which has inspired me to write PART II. Many of you asked for the notations or where to find the info, see link:


What does not surprise me is that many of the comments play directly into continuing the racist tendencies of our society even though statistics show a distinct unfairness.

I recall as a young boy, perhaps when I was 7 or 8 years old – being reminded by my mother not to talk about or mention my own fathers Jewish heritage. Although I was raised as a Christian – my fathers side of the family had a Jewish ancestry from Germany. In fact, none of my own fathers friends even knew of his families “Jewishness”.

It took me some years to understand why my mother wanted me to “hide” this part of our family. Society didn’t like Jews. Even though I wasn’t Jewish ( you can only be Jewish through your maternal parentage ) I was still curious. As I grew older I could see and hear how Jews were treated and thought of by society as a whole.

I remember a time when I was about 15 or 16 years old and I was on a hunting trip with my father and his friends. One evening in our camp all the older men were talking about their experience during World War II and the concentration camps in Germany. Surprisingly, most of the men their weren’t bothered by the Nazi’s efforts to kill all the Jews. They had no idea that their good friend and co-worker, my father, was a Jew. To them he was Roy Snyder. They may have guessed he was Jewish if he still carried the old family name – Schniedermann. But, our family had disposed of that name decades before to become “Americanized”. 

Would their view of my father been different if they had known? Absolutely.

The point here is that my fathers friends only knew what society had taught them. None of them knew a Jew or had ever known a Jew. They had all grown up in rural towns and farm communities or on farms in the state of Oregon. But, their racism ( if you consider Jews a race rather than a religion as I do ) was obvious. They knew all the “stories” about how bad Jews were and what they do – but, they had never seen it for themselves. All they knew is what they had been told – which came from people who like them had probably been told the same thing but also had never seen any of these “bad” things for themselves.

For over 20 years my father and his friends gathered every fall for their annual hunting trip until one by one they all became too old to go hunting any longer. They are all gone now, my father too, long dead and their own stories belong to history and the ages.

But, each of my fathers friends went to their graves thinking my father was a wonderful man, an honest man, a family man, a hard worker. And he was all of those things. But, he was also a Jew and they never knew that.

Racism and intolerance come in many forms directed at many types of people. While blacks suffer from a systemic racism in our culture Asians are now coming under attack. In the past year and just recently 2 U.S. military young men both Asians committed suicide because of the taunting and harassment they suffered at the hands of their peers.

At one U.S. university--Cornell University (http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/usa/2009-10/19/content_11005682.htm ) in the years from 1996 to 2006 there were 21 suicides by students. Of those 21 students who killed themselves 13 were Asian! While Asians were only 14% of the students at the school they represented 62% of the suicides ! Why? I don’t think Asians commit suicide any more often than any other group. They committed suicide because of pressure from their peers.

Just like black men are 10 times more likely to be put in prison than a white man for the same crime it is the society opinion and view that blacks commit more crimes than whites per capita. Perhaps they do. But, the fact is still a fact – for the same exact crime a black man will be put in prison by a ration of 10:1 as compared to a white man. That’s not fair.

To each of you who read the article and commented I urge you to consider the following and do your own research to challenge what your own views are on the following:

1.      Are there more white people or black people on welfare?

2.      Are there more white people or black people receiving food stamps

3.      If you owned a company and were reviewing a resume and the name on it was “Lateka” would you call that person in for an interview?

4.      What percentage of black men are executed for crimes as compared to white men for the same exact crime?

I know the answers. But, my view is that you only learn something when you find it for yourself rather than being told. Being told something more often than not only perpetuates a story that often times has no basis in fact.

As I wrote in an earlier article – don’t let them come for all the others and not stand up for them, someday you may find yourself standing all alone.


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