論文標題:Analysis of chronic inflammatory lesions of the colon for BMMF Rep antigen expression and CD68 macrophage interactions
作者:Timo Bund, Ekaterina Nikitina, Deblina Chakraborty, Claudia Ernst, Karin Gunst, Boyana Boneva, Claudia Tessmer, Nadine Volk, Alexander Brobeil, Achim Weber, Mathias Heikenwalder, Harald zur Hausen, Ethel-Michele de Villiers
摘要:Consumption of Eurasian bovine meat and milk has been associated with cancer development, in particular with colorectal cancer (CRC). In addition, zoonotic infectious agents from bovine products were proposed to cause colon cancer (zur Hausen et al., 2009). Bovine meat and milk factors (BMMF) are small episomal DNA molecules frequently isolated from bovine sera and milk products, and recently, also from colon cancer (de Villiers et al., 2019). BMMF are bioactive in human cells and were proposed to induce chronic inflammation in precancerous tissue leading to increased radical formation: for example, reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species and elevated levels of DNA mutations in replicating cells, such as cancer progenitor cells (zur Hausen et al., 2018). Mouse monoclonal antibodies against the replication (Rep) protein of H1MSB.1 (BMMF1) were used to analyze BMMF presence in different cohorts of CRC peritumor and tumor tissues and cancer-free individuals by immunohistochemistry and Western blot. BMMF DNA was isolated by laser microdissection from immunohistochemistry-positive tissue regions. We found BMMF Rep protein present specifically in close vicinity of CD68+ macrophages in the interstitial lamina propria adjacent to CRC tissues, suggesting the presence of local chronic inflammation. BMMF1 (modified H1MSB.1) DNA was isolated from the same tissue regions. Rep and CD68+ detection increased significantly in peritumor cancer tissues when compared to tissues of cancer-free individuals. This strengthens previous postulations that BMMF function as indirect carcinogens by inducing chronic inflammation and DNA damage in replicating cells, which represent progress to progenitor cells for adenoma (polyps) formation and cancer.
撰文 | 王聰編輯 | nagashi排版 | 水成文哈拉爾德·楚爾·豪森(Harald zur Hausen),德國著名科學家,曾發現某些類型的乳頭狀瘤病毒(HPV)就是宮頸癌的病原體,為開發出宮頸癌疫苗打下了基礎,因此獲得了2008年的諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎。早在10多年前,諾貝爾獎得主楚爾·豪森就曾通過大數據發現,食用牛肉和牛奶與癌症發展有關,尤其是結直腸癌。楚爾·豪森認為,可能是牛肉和牛奶中含有的病原體導致了癌症。幾年前,德國癌症研究中心的 De Villiers 領導的研究團隊在乳製品和牛血清中發現了一種新型的病原體,這種病原體是一種環狀DNA,與某些細菌質粒的基因序列顯示出極大的相似性。由於它們來源於牛肉和牛奶,因此研究團隊將其命名為BMMF(Bovine Meat and Milk Factors,牛肉和牛奶因子)。那麽,在乳製品和牛血清中發現的新型傳染因子BMMF是否在結直腸癌的發生中起作用呢?為了搞清楚這個問題,楚爾·豪森與 De Villiers 展開合作。2021年3月15日,楚爾·豪森與 De Villiers 團隊在《美國科學院院刊》(PNAS)發表了題為:Analysis of chronic inflammatory lesions of the colon for BMMF Rep antigen expression and CD68 macrophage interactions 的研究論文。研究團隊在結腸癌患者的腫瘤附近細胞中發現了BMMF(牛肉和牛奶因子)的存在,並進一步發現BMMF會觸發局部慢性炎症,這種慢性炎症導致活性氧(ROS)水平升高,進而引發基因突變,從而長期促進癌症發生發展。該研究支持了牛奶和牛肉的消費與結直腸癌的發展有因果關係,研究團隊還表示,BMMF應當被視為間接致癌物,對於早期檢測到存在BMMF的人,他們應及時進行結直腸癌篩查。研究團隊發現,BMMF(牛肉和牛奶因子)可以在人類細胞中繁殖,並在人類細胞中產生其繁殖所需的蛋白質產物Rep。但是它們結直腸癌的發展有什麽作用?又是如何發揮作用的呢?研究團隊使用結直腸癌和健康腸道的組織樣本對這一問題進行了仔細研究,研究團隊使用了針對Rep蛋白的抗體,在16個大腸癌組織樣本中的15個中檢測到了BMMF。