
Golf for Life

(2007-07-25 16:50:01) 下一個

A friend called to schedule a tee time this weekend. That makes me write this post.
In my job, some times I need to go to play golf with guesses and customers (In fact “Fu Bai is everywhere.). Few years ago, I finally decide to learn to play it, rather than just being a golf cart driver for others. Since then I fell in love with it. Why? There are so many articles talked about good things of playing it. For me, it is really a good exercise and a place for social.

To finish a round of 18 holes it takes at least 3 hrs. You need to walk 5K yards at least for most courses (I do not using pulling cart or golf cart whenever it is possible for exercise reason). That is more than 4km walking. Also, you need to swing clubs that lets you develop a rhythm of your arm, wrist, leg and shoulder moves. It really improves your capability of body balance and exercises many parts of your body.

In that 3 hrs playing, you can develop a good relationship with the people playing with. They can be your customers, your colleague and some strangers. You can share some jokes and discuss some things hard to talk in a meeting. After play you can have a drink or meal together. You have a wonderful time for social.

In US, golf is very popular and it is not a sport for white-collars only, like in many Asia countries. For 18 holes course, most of them only charge $30-50 for green fee. For 9 holes, it is even cheaper. Also, there are many courses in each city. It is very easy to find a course close to you. I think that is a major reason that there are so many good golfers in US. Now days, there are so many young people take golf as a sport. You can see young Indian-American, Korean-American and Japanese-American kids take class on every course (Sorry, not many Chinese-American. I guess they are in the tutoring classes preparing for entering into Harvard or Stanford. Good or bad?  No comments). I will not be surprised to see these Asian-American win majors in next 5 or 10 years.

There are two golf courses near my home. One is 18 holes course and another one is 9 holes. Both are about 5 minutes drive from my home. These courses are my “home courses”. I play there at least once a week (Depends on who ask me this question, the answer can be different. My wife asks me, the answer is only once. The answer to a friend is twice a week. I ask myself; there is no answer and bring another question to myself: did I play 3 times this week already?). Depends on the time available, I either play 18 holes or 9 holes. Also, there is a drive range near my company. I can go to practice at my lunch time (Forgive me if you can not reach me at lunch time). Now golf is part of my life!

Let’s go to play golf together next time you visit Bay Area!

PS: A golf joke for you:

A man and woman are in love. They are talking about their future serious relationship during a meal. After a glass of wine, the man looked at the woman and told her that he has something to confess before her making decision about their marriage: I am a golfer. I need to go to play golf at least once a week. Then the woman also seriously told the man she also has a thing to confess too. She said with shy I am a hooker. There is a moment of quiet between them. The man sits there and is thinking. Then the man breaks the silence and he looks at woman and saying very confidently: that is OK. It can be easily fixed. Just hold your golf club half inch down.

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menhaoran1 回複 悄悄話 Keep practicing. Golf is a sport that never perfect. Not always the best player win.

Which part of CA do you live? I might go to San Jose around Xmas time. Since it is all year sports there, I am thinking about playing.
