
Oh I'm already there

(2007-07-23 11:30:21) 下一個

My job needs a lot of travels, to Europe, Asia and NA. Early this year, when I went to add more pages on my passport, I counted how many times I visited Japan in last five years. Guess what, it was 26 times!
I do not like travels and miss home a lot on the road. This morning I heard this song on the way drove to work. It touched my heart and it sounded like singing for me.
Also, dear friends of wxc, even I did not leave “a foot print” on your blogs, I am already there. I love you all.
Here is the lyric of the song:

I am Already There
He called her on the road
From a lonely cold hotel room
Just to hear her say I love you one more time
And when he heard the sound
Of the kids laughing in the background
He had to wipe away a tear from his eye
A little voice came on the phone
And said "Daddy when you coming home"
He said the first thing that came to his mind

I'm already there
Take a look around
I'm the sunshine in your hair
I'm the shadow on the ground
I'm the whisper in the wind
I'm your imaginary friend
And I know I'm in your prayers
Oh I'm already there

She got back on the phone
Said I really miss you darling
Don't worry about the kids they'll be alright
Wish I was in your arms
Lying right there beside you
But I know that I'll be in your dreams tonight
And I'll gently kiss your lips
Touch you with my fingertips
So turn out the light and close your eyes

I'm already there
Don't make a sound
I'm the beat in your heart
I'm the moonlight shining down
I'm the whisper in the wind
And I'll be there until the end
Can you feel the love that we share
Oh I'm already there

We may be a thousand miles apart
But I'll be with you wherever you are

I'm already there
Take a look around
I'm the sunshine in your hair
I'm the shadow on the ground
I'm the whisper in the wind
And I'll be there until the end
Can you feel the love that we share
Oh I'm already there
Oh I'm already there

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Liketoread 回複 悄悄話 Thanks a lot for your visit.
楓丹白露 回複 悄悄話 I am already here