
我來自北京,住在加州。 酷愛音樂,喜歡唱歌。希望我的歌聲能給朋友們帶來一點美的享受。


(2008-11-11 23:29:12) 下一個

Hear sweet music softly singing I love you,

May from your heart comes those word I love you, too.

Tenderly hands pressing, fondest vows renew,

Saying once again my love, ah I love you.

And as the mazy dance, our souls fain would entrance,

Our hearts no more repine, but seem to murmur “Oh be mine”

And as gliding silently, no words are said twixt you and me,

The heart speaks those sweet words I love you alone.

Hear sweet music softly singing I love you,

May from your heart comes those word I love you, too.

Tenderly hands pressing, fondest vows renew,

Saying once again my love, ah I love you.

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