Moonlight On The Colorado. Music by Robert A. King, Words by Billy Moll - 1930
Moonlight on the river Colorado, How I wish that I were there with you. As I sit and find each lonely shadow, Takes me back to day that we once knew. We were to wed in harvist time, you said , That’s why I’m longinig for you. When it’s moonlight on the Colorado, I wonder if you’re waiting for me too.月光映照在那科羅拉多河上。我多盼望回到你身旁。月光映照在那科羅拉多河上。我多盼望回到你身旁。你說秋收後做我的新娘,我一直念念不忘。月光映照科羅拉多河上,我一直在把你盼望。我一想起你的音容笑貌,仿佛又回到往日時光。我一想起你的音容笑貌,仿佛又回到往日時光。每夜當我坐在篝火旁遐想,思緒越過無窮大海飛回故鄉。我望著火堆中閃爍的柔光,往事多少回憶湧到心上。