
我來自北京,住在加州。 酷愛音樂,喜歡唱歌。希望我的歌聲能給朋友們帶來一點美的享受。

【我心裏不再感到青春火焰燃燒】Nel Cor Piu Nor Mi Sento

(2007-08-15 21:19:34) 下一個

Composed by: Giovanni Paisiello
Italian text

Nel cor piu non mi sento
Brillar la gioventu
cagion del mio tormento
amor sei colpa tu
Mi pizzichi, mi stuzzichi
mi pungichi, mi mastichi
che cosa e questo ahime
pieta, pieta, pieta
amore e un certo che
che disperar mi fa.

Image:English.png English translation

Why feels my heart so dormant
No fire of youth divine?
Thou cause of all my torment
O Love, the fault is thine!
He teases me, he pinches me
He squeezes me, he wrenches me
What tortures I must bear!
Have done, Have done, Have done!
Thou, Love, art surely one
Will drive me to despair!

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