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(2014-02-27 14:52:13) 下一個

Forbes 評選出了2013年度的美國20個悲情城市,Most Miserable Cities。


不出意料,位居榜首的是底特律。全國最高的犯罪率(每一千個居民10.52 件犯罪案),全國房屋均價下降最多,人口遷出比例最高,失業率,房屋強製拍賣也都位居前列。


還有一個令人驚訝的現象:在前十位最悲情城市當中,加州占據三位,第八位 Stockton (房屋強製拍賣,犯罪率和失業率都名列前茅,還是迄今最大的宣布破產的城市),第六位 Vallejo (房屋強製拍賣比例和失業率均名列前前茅,2008-2011年市政府宣布破產),第五位 Modesto (全美最高房屋強製拍賣比例,15%的失業率)。加州的地理位置好。氣候宜人,土地肥沃,曆來是美國經濟最強,最先進和發達的地方。20多年前,有統計說,如果加州作為一個獨立國家,其GDP可列世界第九位,矽穀更是領導了世界互聯網革命。但是近些年加州出現了很多問題,經濟如此強大的地方,州政府卻多次傳出破產的消息。最近,在州議會占絕對優勢的民主黨議員,又通過了以種族限製公裏大學入學的SCA5法案,赤裸裸的種族主義行為,開曆史倒車。在天時地利如此優越的地方,而在很多經濟領域都居於全美領先地位,政府搞得如此差,應該是政客和政府官員的問題,還有政策的偏差。



#1 Detroit, Mich.

Violent crime in the Detroit metro was down 5% in 2011, but it remains the highest in the country with 1,052 violent crimes per 100,000 people, according to the FBI. Home prices were off 35% the past 3 years, which is the biggest drop in the U.S.

#2 Flint, Mich.

Flint has been demolishing homes as the city shrinks with residents leaving in search of jobs. Only Detroit has a higher net out-migration rate. Flint ranks third worst for violent crime, behind Detroit and Memphis.

#3 Rockford, Ill.

A three decade decline in the manufacturing base has hurt Rockford's economy and kept unemployment high. The metro’s recent 11.2% unemployment rate is one of the highest rates in the U.S. Another burden: high property tax rates.

#4 Chicago, Ill.

Chicago has passionate supporters, but residents must endure the misery of long commutes, plummeting home prices, brutal winters and high foreclosure rates. The migration rate out of Chicago is the sixth worst among the 200 largest metros.

#5 Modesto, Calif.

Foreclosures continue to plague Modesto with 6,859 foreclosure filings in 2012, according to RealtyTrac. It represents 3.8% of homes, which is the third highest rate in the U.S. Recent unemployment was 15%.

#6 Vallejo, Calif.

The city finally emerged from bankruptcy at the end of 2011 after nearly 3 years. Problems remain with high levels of foreclosures and unemployment.

#7 Warren, Mich.

Troy and Farmington Hills are part of the government-defined Warren metro division. Like Detroit, the Warren metro has seen home prices collapse--off 53% the past five years.

#8 Stockton, Calif.

Stockton became the largest U.S. city to file for bankruptcy protection last year. The city is burdened with the highest foreclosure rate in the U.S. and ranks among the five worst for unemployment and crime.

#9 Lake County, Ill.

The Chicago suburb is one of the richest counties in the U.S., as measured by per capita income. But home prices are down 29% over the past 5 years. Other drawbacks: long commutes and lousy weather.

#10 New York, N.Y.

Taxes are always a hot button issue in New York, whether it revolves around banks paying their share (rally above) or the taxes that residents face, which are the highest in the U.S. New Yorkers also rank first when it comes to the longest commutes.



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