
走走看看: 走光明的道路, 看美好的風景, 過幸福的生活.


(2008-04-03 18:54:46) 下一個

人們說亞曆山大是埃及最風情綽約,最有小資情調的城市。實際上, 如果問埃及當地人最喜歡哪個城市, 那一定是亞曆山大。

1. 窗口文學城看風景博客,kan.fengjing@yahoo.com

2. 少年文學城看風景博客,kan.fengjing@yahoo.com

3. 青春文學城看風景博客,kan.fengjing@yahoo.com

4. 家人

5. 凝眸文學城看風景博客,kan.fengjing@yahoo.com

6. 企盼文學城看風景博客,kan.fengjing@yahoo.com

7. 清純文學城看風景博客,kan.fengjing@yahoo.com

8. 姐弟

9. 亞力山大: 現代風格 (圖書館)

10. 亞力山大: 現代風格

11. 龐貝柱

謝謝觀看。原創作品, 版權所有。未經授權, 不可轉載。文學城看風景博客,kan.fengjing@yahoo.com

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Stay with me till the morning - Dana Winner
與我相守到天明 (走出非洲主題曲)

Dawn breaks above the neon lights
Soon the day dissolves the night
Warm the sheets caress
my emptiness as you leave

Lying here in the afterglow
Tears in spite of all I know
Prize of foolish sin
I can’t give in
Can’t you see

Though you want to stay
You’re gone before the day
I never say those words
How could I
Stay with me till the morning

I’ve walked the streets alone before
Safe I’m locked behind my door
Strong in my belief
No joy or grief touches me

But when you close your eyes
It’s then I realize
There’s nothing left to prove
So darling
Stay with me till the morning

when you close your eyes
It’s then I realize
There’s nothing left to prove
So darling
Stay with me till the morning

(ZT, from DeepCreek)
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